Looking Good

Gabrielle Giffords has released her first photos after she was shot in Tuscon. She looks great, still the left temporal and frontal lobes are big deals in speech and memory, so I wonder where she’s at cognitively. I’m glad to see she’s doing so well and apparently very happy, and I wish her further recovery after this horrible event.

In my own life my wife had a good chunk of her brain removed, and she’s now seizure-free, and looks just about the same as she did before surgery, except for some of her hair is a little bit shorter than the rest, but you wouldn’t notice it from looking at her.

A world of miracles we live in! More here.

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0 Responses to Looking Good

  1. Groundhog says:

    Having had a close relative get shot in the head with a .357 and survive, I know what she’s going through. She is doing very well all things considered. We were told you normally do all the recovering you are going to do in the 5 years after the injury. Some people fully recover with no way to tell it ever happened and some remain in very bad shape. My relative can’t drive and still suffers some paralysis but has recovered mostly fully in other areas. It’s a helluva hard road to go down and I wish her and her family the best as they travel it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah head injuries are nasty in general. I know several people who have suffered brain damage for various reasons. Some came out of it really bad off, and in some instances behaving much differently before they had before. Others bounce right back, others have some disabilities that can be dealt with.

      Good that your relative recovered so well. Might I ask what the circumstances of her getting shot?

      I know I was sweating bullets for the first 24 hours after my wife’s surgery. She was feeling poorly (as one might suspect) and had a mighty hangover given 6.5 hours of anesthetics. She really wasn’t talking much or opening her eyes much, and for that time as much as I know all the tests said she’d come out finest-kind, still that worry that this person might not be my wife anymore was in the back of my mind.

  2. RedeemedBoyd says:

    It’s great to see her doing at least this well. Like you said, we don’t know the full details, but the fact that she’s ready to release some images, and she’s not ashamed is wonderful progress! I think we are all very grateful to the doctors who had a hand thus far.

    Also, I’m quite glad to hear about your wife’s progress. It is awesome to know that there re people smart enough to figure out how to fix us.

  3. AuricTech says:

    I always feel a bit uncomfortable when I read blog posts that urge readers to contact their Congressfolk about gun legislation, since I live in Representative Giffords’ district. Admittedly, for a Democrat member of Congress, she has a reputation of being less hostile to the right of gun ownership than many in her caucus (this is, unfortunately, a low bar to clear).

    While I hope for a speedy and full recovery for Representative Giffords, I will vote for the candidate who most closely reflects my views on the proper extent of the Federal government’s authority. Given her chosen party affiliation, I am skeptical that Representative Giffords’ views reflect mine on this philosophical matter….

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Gun rights are not a monolith. Of all the candidates running for President the most solid candidate on guns and guns alone is Ron Paul. Dr. Paul also has some other solid issues….and all the rest he’s batshit insane and divorced from all reality.

      So that’s why you see all that support for Dr. Paul on this page 🙂

      Gun rights are VERY important because the world can strip all other rights from an unarmed populace. They’ve done it before, they’ll do it again if they get the chance. But Guns alone don’t do much besides protect from direct compression. That’s why our current pocket-tyrants prefer the slow-bleed method which cannot be ignored.

  4. Braden Lynch says:

    I should not be so nasty about this, but how long before they sit her down next to Jim Brady for a photo op right before “The One” uses a red marker to line out the Second Amendment?

    She has already been used as a blunt object against the Constitution. I seriously doubt that it will stop. Rather, with a somber press conference, she will be used as a pawn to support an attack the very Constitution that she swore an oath to uphold.

    I hope my pessimistic prediction does not come to pass.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I know almost nothing about Jim Brady or Gabby Giffords before they were shot. I have heard that while a democrat Giffords was pretty solid on guns, and even owned a Glock 19 herself. Not sure how true that is.

      I do wonder what her feelings on guns will be if she ever returns to the public eye.

      Certainly in her current state of incapacitation words have been stuffed into her mouth by the fistful in any attempt to steam a tide that has been running out on those who hate freedom.

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