Low Hanging Fruit

So I’ve been traveling a lot, my house is a mess, and I spent all day yesterday sick in bed, and thought about calling in sick today, but decided the better of it.

Well needless to say, I’m not feelin’ it, and certainly I find that I just don’t have the patience to read the anti-gun blogs as of late. Still this fruit was just too low not to pick.

With all the sadness that marks the topic of this blog, Iā€™m always happy to celebrate the wonderful news of new life joining us.

Now there’s the crux of the anti-gun argument. They are in the misery department. Not only do they constantly dance in the blood of victims of “Gun Death” (but ONLY “Gun Death” other deaths are irrelevant.) and demand we all feel guilty, and responsible for the criminal behavior of others. They also demand that responsible people be treated the same as violent criminals, and everybody be treated as if they were children.

But behind the scenes is misery too. They know their laws don’t work at what they claim. They know that gun control makes lawful people LESS safe, and in fact they are simply helping the drug gangs with their laws (and if you read the Brady Campaign twitter feed, you’ll find that inner city drug abusers and gang members are their biggest supporters!)

Meanwhile we seek to lower the overall violent crime rate, not just “Gun Death”, we’re also on the side of the lawful citizen, and against the inner city gangs. We’re for self defense, and self reliance. There’s a funny bumper-sticker with a picture of a gun that says “We don’t call 911″…lot of bravado, and maybe not the wisest advice, but if danger comes knocking I’ll have something a bit more useful than a phone in my hand. Its true that when seconds count, the police are minuets away…but I’ll also say I can draw my 1911 from concealment and put several well-aimed shots down-range in a lot faster time than it takes to draw my cell phone and punch in “911”.

Not only that we bring the shooting sports. Shooting guns is FUN! Collecting guns is FUN! Hunting is FUN! And competing in shooting sports is FUN!

There’s that, or there’s pushing a plywood box car all by yourself, or ringing a bell and feeling sorry for yourself. Which side would you chose?

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0 Responses to Low Hanging Fruit

  1. Jennifer says:

    Exactly right! Notice they don’t have super fun blog meets either. I mean, and anti-gun blog meet would just be depressing.
    Although, I have to point out a most amusing typo. I almost didn’t just because I love the image of police minuets away doing their stretches and pirouettes to get to the crime scene. Thanks for the silly mental picture this morning!

  2. Sarah says:

    I’ve never been in the anti-gun-activist crowd, but I’ve seen videos. The overwhelming majority of ’em look like somebody stuffed pine cones up their asses before they started marching.

    Given a choice between whatever puts that tortured look on their faces and drilling holes in a paper target with my handgun, I’m going to go to the range. No contest. šŸ™‚

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I was an anti, tho not one who burned a lot of calories for the cause, but I did do a LOT of voting, even the city ballots. I started to turn around age 19 when I first shot a gun and started to realize a lot of my talking points were lies. But yeah Teenage Weer’d was probably not very different than most teens, who are pretty a angsty lot.

      But I’m a logical guy, so really when I started getting into adulthood, and discussing political issues, I realized I was getting my ass kicked on the gun issue. So I started to do research and found it was a born loser. If I kept trying to hoe that row of fail, I’d probably get REAL grumpy.

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