Mile-High Drop-Top

So whilst flying I realized that Television is an utter wasteland on Sunday afternoon. It was either Jersey Shore, or watch the News Channels. I gave Jersey Shore a try and found it to be the worst shit in the universe and I switched between Fox and CNN. The story of the day appears to be this.

Short story I big hole opened up in the top of a plane while it was at cruising altitude. I was amused by the fact that I was watching coverage of this while flying at cruising altitude. I tapped the wife and pointed to the screen…she saw the images but didn’t hear any of the audio. While we were waiting for our baggage she asked for details, and I told her. She asked how many had died.

None of course….even monster holes like this in the pressure hull of a plane aren’t a big deal, and such flights like this aren’t exactly unheard of. The big risk is the lack of oxygen at those heights, hence why the pilot descended.

And of course again I question why in hell am I not allowed to carry my gun on a plane? I carry at the store, at the movies, on the highway, on buses, on trains, across state lines…all without incident…nor even a discharge of my firearm, where’s the problem again?

Stupid laws written by panicky stupid people!

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0 Responses to Mile-High Drop-Top

  1. bluesun says:

    The only thing that I can think of that would explain why people (in the MIB “People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it” sense of the word) don’t trust concealed handgun carriers is that they don’t trust The Government to do a good enough background check. Or am I being to logical about it?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      More like they are angry aggressive people themselves, they can’t be trusted not to smack their wife when they mouth off, not to shout out the window of anybody who upsets them in traffic, and might be known to take a swing at somebody when they have a few beers.

      Anti-gunners all have bad tempers and poor impulse control, not to mention very little empathy for their fellow man.

      They wouldn’t trust themselves with a gun….and they think they are normal…so background checks be damned, that’s just a step in the right direction for them. NOBODY can be trusted with a firearm in their eyes.

  2. Stan says:

    Because if you poke even a tiny hole in the hull of an airplane at altitude everyone will be sucked out the hole or the plane will explode, Hollywood told me so!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah I have a dent in my skull from hitting it on my desk for every time I’ve heard people using “I saw it in Goldfinger” as a justification.

      • McThag says:

        Next you will be telling me there’s no gigantic underground complex under Fort Knox for the gold depository.

        You’re as bad as Mythbusters!

        • Weerd Beard says:

          And supressors don’t go “thwip”, and even a really big can that totally swallows the report, the sound of a gun’s action isn’t very quiet …

          Reality is no fun.

          Oh and Penthouse Forums and Pro Wrasslin’ are made up too…sorry!

  3. Kilted says:

    If you did carry on the plane, you wouldn’t need any backup mags, Air Marshalls leave ’em around all the time.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Only I don’t carry a gun in .357 Sig! Of course .40 S&W fits in .357 mags…but that round sucks too!

      • Kilted says:

        Last time it happened, I read that the marshall left a pair of high-cap .22 magazines in the seatback pocket ahead of him. A kid on the next flight reached for SkyMall and got those instead.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Wow, got a link for that? Last I heard the Marshals were issued Sigs in .357 and they were expected to shoot them VERY well.

          BTW there was a dude who totally tipped my CCW radar on my flight, but I couldn’t confirm.

          • Kilted says:

            ‘Couse now that I try, I just find articles that say he left it there, with no mention of caliber. Silly internet, turn the facts my way like you’re supposed to.

  4. Weerd Beard says:

    Funny how that works, ain’t it, Kilted?

    I have a research project I’m going to be doing after the boycott expires…I suspect it’s going to break my balls in such a way.

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