More Critters!

Found this guy on the way to the bathroom tonight!

Decent sized one. Most of the time once they realize you aren’t going to kill or eat them they settle down and enjoy your body heat. This guy held still for the glamour shot but chirped and struggled until I put him down.

He also pissed about a quarter-cup of water on me. It’s my undstanding that as fully terrestrial amphibians (Toads are lousy swimmers unlike their frog cousins ) toads use their bladder as a fresh-water canteen to keep them hydrated on the dry forrest floor. So my unexpected shower was mostly water than urine.

BTW I can hear him singing outside right now!

Unlike skunks the wife will admit that these guys are super-cute!

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0 Responses to More Critters!

  1. 45er says:

    Cute little fella. We were just eating dinner and my wife saw a baby oppossum peeking at us through the window. No pic, those guys are kinda camera-shy. I tried.

  2. Robert says:

    I dug up three or four of those guys last week while digging up a sewer line. Not nearly as big though; maybe a third his size, at most. Around here they dig down into the soil in order to hibernate and wait for the next time it’s wet enough for them to come out and mate. Which means I probably woke them up early. Hopefully they managed to dig back down again before they dehydrated.

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