I pointed out that Bluesun got himself a Bushmaster AR-10 which was a starting point.
Now with some glass, some Magpul furniture and mags and the sling attached its went from “Good Start” to “Serviceable Rifle”
Its a good feeling! When I got my FAL I knew it was the right gun for me. But also in the condition I bought it it didn’t run well and the ergonomics sucked, and there were no attachment points for a sling. So I liked it, and was glad I had it…but as a go-to rifle, it didn’t work. Now it works. YEAHH that’s the whole damn point.
Go Bluesun, your new rifle looks slick as owl shit! Well done!
And the only thing holding me back is my paycheck…
Know that feeling so well!
It’s ALL about getting the rifle set up the way YOU want it… And that doesn’t happen overnight, kinda like trying to find that ‘perfect’ holster… 🙂
You saying you aren’t happy with the SCAR? I can take it off your hands. Heck for that rifle I’ll risk being a test case against the constitutionality of the Mass AWB.
Also more humor: I bought the Galco Shoulder rig I’m wearing right now about a year before I got my carry permit. I’ve seen a bunch of rigs as good as this, but nothing better.
I really did luck out when it comes to holsters.