“Progressive” Hypocrisy

First we had President Obama, who is a smoker sign a bill banning cigarets.

Now we have Michelle Obama who’s becoming the Tipper Gore for Healthy eating being a glutton and a garbage gut.

While plugging her new book, “Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible,” the feisty TV chef took a pot shot at Michelle for gorging herself on greasy french fries, fatty hot chicken wings and sug­ary deep-fried Snickers bars!…“She’s no different than the rest of us,” Paula said about Michelle in a new interview.

Paula added: “She probably ate more than any other guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even dur­ing commercials. Know what (the Obamas’) favorite foods are? Hot wings. Y’know – those kinds of foods that aren’t necessarily top-of-the-list healthy foods.”

“Michelle now deeply regrets ever being on Paula’s show,” added the source. “There are a lot of digs she would have been able to brush off, but portray­ing her as a high-calorie gorger during her crusade for healthy eating is crossing the line.”

Paula isn’t lying, every time the Whitehouse has a dinner Michelle picks out some greasy comfort food. Now there’s NOTHING wrong with that. I love me some greasy food, and I’m always game for another trip to the buffet. Those of us who find our selves eating unhealthy food do it because it taste GOOD! Better yet, with exercise and moderation you can be quite healthy. (Reason TV covered this issue quite well here)

But don’t push to limit what we can chose from while stuffing your face with whatever you please. Oh and that includes your cigarettes, Barry!

But this is from the administration that hires a tax cheat to run the IRS, and funds groups that commit voter fraud and support criminals. Rules are for OTHER people

h/t Moonbattery

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0 Responses to “Progressive” Hypocrisy

  1. MattW says:

    Do as I say, not as I do. I know whats best for you because you are too stupid to take care of yourself. But I can splurge now and then because I am smart and responsible.

  2. Jack says:

    Yeah, it’s all of the same set.

    It’s the same old aristocratic ideas. Special rules and laws for the “betters” to enable them to more efficiently rule the masses.

  3. Suz says:

    Don’t let the non-progressive hypocrites off the hook. You just described all of Washington D.C.

  4. Mrs. Weer'd says:

    Before you know it we will be following suit with the Danes and we’ll have a “fat tax”. This is just ridiculous. Let people eat what they want, but continue to educate on healthy options. It’s not the government’s place to dictate what I should and shouldn’t eat.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      You never told me about the “Fat Tax”, now that I want to hear more about. I have my suspicions, and I doubt this President wouldn’t try such a thing on a long enough timeline.

  5. Pingback: “Fat Tax” | Weer'd World

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