
Just thought I’d throw out some quick news stories for ya’ll to chew on.

I got a chuckle out of this one.

A defiant Colonel Moammar Gaddafi has refused to step down as Libya’s leader, declaring on state TV: “I will die here as a martyr.”

I’m sure we could find a few guys willing to help you with that, Moammar. Also does anybody know why he’s a Colonel? Seems that most nutty dictators choose titles that are either the highest, like General or President, is he saying that there are no generals in the Libyan army? Or are there non-dictator-for-lifers out there who outrank him?

Hotair has this story

Hmm a “Green Energy” plant propped up by Government money shits the bed anyway. Where have I heard that before?

Aided by at least $43 million in assistance from the government of Massachusetts and an innovative solar energy technology, Evergreen Solar emerged in the last three years as the third-largest maker of solar panels in the United States. But now the company is closing its main American factory, laying off the 800 workers by the end of March and shifting production to a joint venture with a Chinese company in central China. Evergreen cited the much higher government support available in China.

I guess we got SOME of the money back, but that tends to make me feel as good as when somebody steals your debit card and racks up $100,000 worth of crap…but you only are on the hook for $10,000 of it! 😀

Another from Hotair, probably one of the best videos of the hack doctors supporting the teachers breaking the law.

Of course the teachers who attended the protests on state school days should be terminated, tenure or no. The Doctors should be treated no different that the doctors who write opiate prescriptions knowingly to junkies and dealers. I would hope that would revoke their license to practice medicine.

But how about that ranting teacher? “I could snap at any moment!” Look at BEST she’s a total moonbat drama-queen, but at worst SHE’S TELLING THE TRUTH…either way do you want this freak hanging out around your children every day?

That’s what I got!

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0 Responses to Quickshots

  1. alcade says:

    I thought Obama was going to bring all these green jobs to America? The last incandescent light bulb factory closed it’s doors this year – what with the Congressional ban and all.

    Guess where CFL’s are made?

    It starts with a “C” :o)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      “Green Jobs” is a political term that has the same meaning as “Shovel-Ready Projects” “Common Sense Gun Control” and “Aid to Working Families” sounds cool, but its just running up deficits, catering to special interests, and lowering quality of life for regular Americans.

  2. Reputo says:

    Libya – Finally, they have a revolution. Now we get to see where the dice lands: republic, monarchy, another dictatorship, or islamic fascist.

    Green Energy – Anyone with an ounce of sense could have seen this coming. Industry won’t survive without government support, government borrows money from country C to give to industry, country C wisens up and lures company to its shores with more money. (And some people get paid to come up with that!)

    Doctors writing fake notes – Pull their license, they have shown they have no integrity. Unfortunately, they work for the U. of WI which I would be willing to bet sees a higher percentage of Medicare, Medicaid, non-paying (i.e poor) patients. How does it feel to know that your doctor has no integrity? Do you think he is prescribing the best treatment for you now or just whichever drug company is willing to buy his office staff pizza once a month? If it had have been my doctor out there, I would change doctors immediately (as it is, I haven’t seen a doctor in three years).

    Teachers – Fire them. En masse! They are extremely replaceable. You can tell how replaceable they are by looking at how they are replaced right now. Substitutes. In every state I have lived in, you had to have a teaching certificate to be a teacher (i.e. gone to college of education). But to be a substitute, you have to be alive and in some cases attended a couple years of college (not graduated). Therefore, very easily replaceable. In contrast with my job (nuclear engineer), if I quit tomorrow, in order to continue until a permanent replacement is hired, the company would have to pay a contractor (with an engineering degree and several years of experience) around $150/hr +$150 per diem.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah I know a ton of people who work as a substitute among other odd jobs, I also know even more people with their teaching cert who didn’t like the administrative bullshit that comes with the job (also when budget cuts or pissing contests come about the old dead wood stays and the fresh blood gets canned) With the job market in the shitter, and cost of living on the rise, not to mention the potential of termination or come-to-jesus for the administrators, this market might become more enticing. Also many of the former teachers I know work with me in the private industry, they are the smart, applied, and flexible types that I’d want teaching my kids.

  3. Bob S. says:

    I wonder if the Ultra-liberal – Anti Rights crowd realize what they are doing by condoning the Doctor passing out fake sick passes.

    Now they have shown that it is okay for a medical professional to lie or cheat — I need to go back to school to get my degree in psychology.

    The antis want to require mental health exams, so be it.

    I’ll start up a paper mill churning out clean bills of mental health. I’ll run through paper so fast they cant plant enough trees to make up for it.

    and when they complain — I’ll point them to this video and their responses to it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah Bob, but remember the rules of Liberalism….its only OK when the other side does it.

      The news is all talking about yesterday’s rally in Boston about the Unions. Tea Party members got spat on, and I believe there was at least one SEIU beat-down, and one of our scumbag congressmen talked about “Getting Bloody” in a speech showing solidarity with the law-breakers.

      Compare the non-reaction with all the made-up stories of “Violence” from the Tea Party and 2nd Amendment supporting groups.

  4. McThag says:

    I recall that the reason all these dictators tend to colonels is that’s the highest rank you can get to without really being part of the existing system and the lowest rank with power and autonomy.

    Colonels have a LOT of power. Command of a regiment is enough to take over a lot of things.

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