Quote of the Day: Chris from AK

Chris friggin’ rules! This quote cracks me up!

First, you have got to be the only blogger I know that is upset at getting over a thousand hits per day.

Backstory here at Bob’s

Short Summary, Joyce foundation shill puts up a poll on gun rights. Poll gets noted by several well-known bloggers (I heard about it at Joe’s , while I read Joan’s page regularly, Baldr is just all together too boring to bother with) and a bunch of new people show up to put in their 2c. Since there is virtually no support for gun control, Baldr gets 11 votes (including his own, and however many people voted multiple times) in favor of gun control, and close to 1,000 votes against gun control.

He gets all butthurt and calls gun rights advocates “bullies” and takes down the poll.

I’ve been averaging about 260 hits every day from regular readers, I’ll probably get close to 500 today because I was linked by Say Uncle on one of my recent essays. I’ve gotten a few days where I topped 1,000 hits and it was AWESOME.

Baldr is upset by this spike because gun control advocates are anti-social loners, with such irrational and illogical views of the world that it makes interpersonal relationships with them very difficult. They support things like Global Warming, and Gun control that are so easily disproved that they look like fools. More here. There are very few people who can face that and continue on. They get upset by instances like this because it exposes how strong the pro-gun support is, and the sheer numbers of people who support the cause are, and contrasts how alone and dead wrong they are.

So more self loathing of the people insane enough to support gun control. I used to support gun control, until I was confronted with the facts. I had two choices, admit I was wrong and switch sides, or continue to support what I knew was was bullshit.

Baldr, why do you choose to look like a fool?

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Chris from AK

  1. Chad says:

    I’m not entirely sure he has any choice. It’s not an original thought, but I firmly believe that the internet was salvation for the pro gun side. The anti’s could no longer control the narrative, and we discovered that there were many, many more of us than those few we knew personally.

    • Linoge says:

      The only way blind bigotry like the kind Baldr expresses can survive, much less thrive, is if the bigots in question can either control the message, or operate in darkness – if the former, no one ever learns of an alternative, and if the latter, they are able to enact their discriminatory measures without threat of repercussion.

      In this particular case, Baldr failed on both counts – he lost control of the message, and his bigotry was exposed for the world to see. Once he realized the damage he was doing to himself, the only alternative left to him was to play it off as some grand scheme, and simultaneously demonize us and victimize himself – after all, victims are always right, no matter how bigoted they might be.

      The dude is naught but a spineless, cowardly whiner, and he hates being called on it. Sucks to be him.

  2. I would dance naked to get that many hits on my blog. This one –> http://violentindifference.blogspot.com/

    Yeah click it. CLICK IT!!

    Was that a tumble weed that just drifted by?

    Actually I should probably offer to NOT dance naked.

  3. Bob S. says:

    I get about 100 hits a day in my little dusty corner of the web.

    As I said, where were his friends…Mikeb302000 has over double the average daily readership that I have…surely he would have said something.




  4. Borepatch says:

    Weer’d, you’re playing Charles Atlas to Baldr’s scrawny guy. He may take you up on that and try to pump up. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Linoge says:

    Well, now that Baldr has compounded his whining nature by taking the coward’s escape, I took the liberty of cloning and reposting his poll for him – same question, same answers, but the poll itself will be handled a little… differently. Feel free to spread it around!

  6. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป Tit-For-Tat

  7. mike w. says:

    You know, I think Baldr’s actions are an astonishingly quick example of “Sad but Predictable”


    Also, isn’t it funny that there’s now a 2nd “dog” humping my leg? Do I smell like bacon or something?

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