Quote of the Day: North

Forgive me, I’ve fallen behind reading Jennifer’s wonderful blog this post rang true with me but North’s comment slaps it out of the park.

I love my 15 year old. He deserves my love. If I go back in time to when he was 12, I still love him. If I go back in time to his birth, I love him. When he was kicking my wife at 8 months, I loved him. If I go back in time to when he started forming organs I love him. When he was 8 cells, I loved him. I can’t imagine not.

Was that too personal?

Nope, not to personal at all. Everybody has sat around a camp fire and swatting mosquitoes as they attempt to feed on us, most of us have trapped, poisoned, or outright swatted a mouse that was trespassing. Anti-gun people will often give a hat tip to people shooting ducks and deer and other such critters, or mention the animals they kill when they say “I’m a gun owner but…”.

But there are certain things that we consider innately human. We feel tenderness to infant humans, and for those that are ours we feel unconditional love…and as somebody without children of my own, but has cared for infants, you can feel the love even if it ISN’T yours. When you factor in what nasty creatures infants are. They poop, puke, cry, and get sick, and they need EVERYTHING from you….but we love them. Why? Because that’s what makes us human. If we could look at an infant the same way we look at a bug we wouldn’t be humanity.

But there are people who WANT to look at babies as not human. They are. Also if you want to see more of my views on abortion have a look here.

I err on the side of love and humanity. People like Nancy Pelosi have given up their humanity to be the people they are today. I can’t respect that.

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: North

  1. alcade says:

    I grew up pro choice until I started dating the girl that would become my wife. She convinced me to become pro life.

    Interesting, because we’re always being told that abortion is part of women’s lib, so it should have been the other way around.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Ivory Tower Males tell women that because they want to sleep with all the young students, skip the condoms, and send them to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion if they sire a bastard.

      I know a few women who aborted pregnancies…its easy for the men to say so, and easy for the women who’ve never had one to say so.

  2. Jennifer says:

    Awe shucks, thanks Weerd.
    Yeah, North’s comment there really hit it out of the park. I loved my son from before I saw the little pink line on the stick confirming he was there. He’s fast approaching the teenage years, and I love him still. (Although, teenagers will make you understand why some animals eat their young.) I can’t fathom feeling any other way.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Makes me wonder if the talking point “My Body My Choice” is little more than brain washing to convince women this isn’t as abhorrent as we all know it is.

      If certain shithole Muslim lands can convince women to hack off their young daughter’s genitals, why not this?

  3. 45er says:

    I’ve taken plenty of courses on development, anatomy, biology and embryology. If you’re truthful with yourself in any way, you know exactly what abortion is. To think any other way is to ignore science and logic as well as your humanity as you succintly put it.

  4. North says:

    WB: I am overworked and a little absent and not keeping up in the blogosphere. Thanks for doing this quote of the day on that. I was quite hesitant to share that. I have conviction but I didn’t want potential backlash on a blog that belonged to sweet Jennifer.

    I long ago used an engineering approach (start with what you know) to really concretize my opinion.

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