Quote of the Day: Poor Joan…

One more because frankly she’s really lost it!

Helpful suggestion, that. Just move to a place where gun laws suit you if you don’t like the ones where you live. That’s the first time I’ve heard that one. So if I don’t like the laws where I live, just pick up, get a new job ( pretty easy in this climate) leave my family and friends and move. That’s certainly one way to do it….Yes, for sure. The apocalypse is coming!!! Just like in Egypt. Get on the streets with your guns and demand that our tyrannical duly elected government should step down….Many more people have died due to bullets in our country than any country not at war, Aztec Red. Yes, we do have a “peaceful” country if you don’t count the mass shootings and daily shootings.

I wonder if Paul Helmke is watching what his board members are saying in public. Can he approve of such unhinged banter?

As for the points made, I’ve been told if I want guns to join the army on may occations. I’ve even been told to Emigrate to Iraq or Somalia because the people run around with machine guns. I’ve also been told to Move to New Hampshire by my compatriots. For the time I’ll stay here and do what I can to fight for my rights, or hope others might come here to fight the good fight. As much as we do joke Massachusetts IS part of America, and not only is under the US Constitution, but its own state constitution:

The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it.

And of course an Authoritarian with eyes on depriving our rights must think us gunnies are looking to riot in the streets….despite what happened nationally this last November…

And you’ll note her equation with “Gun Death” with Death and violence as a whole. Obviously it must be a peaceful country if only dozens of people a day die of stabbing or strangulation with power cords.

Do these sound like the words of a rational human being? Does this babble sound like “Common Sense”? Would a wise person give any heed to her suggestions or requests?

I’ll let you decide, since we do live in a free society!

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Poor Joan…

  1. Eck! says:

    Using her own words..

    japete, your saying the “The apocalypse is coming!!!”. What are you saying here?
    Are you advocating overthrow of the government? I am becoming increasingly
    alarmed by your comments.

    We have free speech, ballot box and neither are closed. If she or anyone does not like the
    government you can always join, then the laws you live with are of your own fault.

    She is apparently having a bit of a problem with her own anger, guns, and that reality will
    never have unicorn horns or rain gumdrops.


  2. maddmedic says:

    I do believe she is from Minnesota.
    Or lives here.
    Where the State bird is the Loon…..Not to disparage Loons now. As Loons are wonderful creatures and their haunting cries are part of our”upnorth, at the lake” culture. My youngest has been infatuated with then since he was a little tyke and has carvings and paintings of them all over his room.

    But “loonies’ now are a different story…
    But we have sent our share or “loons” out into the world…..Wellstone, Franken, Klobuchar, Ventura.
    And this “loonie” Japete is just one more…

    Common sense and accountability along with responsibility for ones actions do not “fit” in the lefties, hoplophobes, anti gunners world. They want someone else to take over and run their lives. To protect them and keep them warm at night.

    They want not to be burdened by such trivial things like accountability or responsibility.

    Plus they be smarter then us and know whats best for us pew jumping, bible clinging, gun toting, Constitution and Freedom loving rednecks!!

    Please don’t nuke us in Minnesota or give us to Canada!!
    Some of us are trying!!

  3. You should move to NH, northern NH. You could then let people bring a box of 308 to the range and try out your FAL…

    Seriously though, I make a decent amount of money for guy my age. I can pay the rent, feed and clothe the kids, and still buy myself a nice bottle of hooch/a gun/a tin of nice tobacco every now and then. To do this I work two jobs, six days a week at one and at least my day off at the other.

    If I move to another state, I need to pay to get licensed as an EMT there, or I lose my second job. A cop once told me to move out west if I thought it was appropriate to open carry…yeah, sure.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Lovely state, filled with lovely people. Believe it or not, for the time being I’m very happy here in Mass. Good work, friends and family near by, a gun friendly town (as much as it can be here) and I have a lovely house. Also its a huge plus that my wife doesn’t feel much inconvenience dispite her disability.

      Also, as you can tell, I like a good fight!

  4. Pyrotek85 says:

    “Many more people have died due to bullets in our country than any country not at war”

    Why does she keep saying we’re not at war? Haven’t we had a drug war all these years? Aren’t many of these shootings drug and gang related?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      If we don’t think the war on poverty hasn’t created many of those bodies, we haven’t been looking at how many wind up dead in the projects …and of course with illegal drugs being part of the crime…

  5. Linoge says:

    I would not ask someone to pull up roots and go to another country just to get the political climate they apparently want, but I would ask people to pay attention to those countries that do have the political climate they seem to want, and how that climate has created a situation wherein average citizens are forced to be unwilling, defenseless victims by their governments. I know petty authoritarians like Joan think that if they were just the ones in charge, everything would work out just fine, but history demonstrably proves that it never happens.

    As for her metric of firearm fatalities being the only things that define “peaceful” countries, well, that is the only thing she has. Once-Great Britain, the Mecca for all anti-rights nuts, has significantly fewer firearm-related fatalities than we do, there is no questioning that, but their violent crime rate in general is over four times greater. Four times. Is that “peaceful”? So, for her, it hardly makes sense to cite overall crime rates, because America is actually at the bottom of the top ten for that particular ranking – hard to demonize a country when seven others are in front of it.

    Joan has been, and will continue to be, one of the best things that has ever happened to the pro-rights weblogging community… One can only hope that she continues spouting off her nonsense, because there is no shortage of use we can get out of it :).

  6. I wonder if Paul Helmke is watching what his board members are saying in public. Can he approve of such unhinged banter?

    Considering Helmke spouts his fair share of such banter, well, YES. YES he can!

  7. Jon says:

    “I wonder if Paul Helmke is watching what his board members are saying in public. Can he approve of such unhinged banter?”

    She does seem to be acting in a more manic fashion lately. I hope that the gun control bills currently submitted get shut down, and still more restrictive laws get overturned via Heller/McDonald, in part because it will cause her even more cognitive dissonance (or is her case more of a self-perception theory one? Interesting) leading to more manic ‘common sense’ ranting. It’s all kind of entertaining in a sad way.

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