Rights Violation

So Mike W. links this video of a young girl getting sexually assaulted by the TSA.

Don’t skip the video, watch how the TSA goon sticks her hands down the girl’s shirt and pants. When I was that age the school was teaching me to tell an adult if such behavior happened. This is not only sexual assault of a minor, but a blatant violation of the 4th Amendment. They have no grounds or probable cause to touch this girl in this way. If a sworn police officer was to do EXACTLY this he would be looking at termination.

Now the real grossness is that Thirdpower links to the “Protest Easy Guns” Twitter where they are outraged that this is happening. (Bonus points for “Buying guns as easily as candybars” bit I never knew I could go to federal prison for buying a candybar, or selling one. I’ve done a good deal of both too!)

You see the anti-freedom crowd only cares about THEIR freedom. They often say “I’m a gun owner but…” The but being they want the laws to be fine on how they use THEIR gun, but those OTHER gun rights should be restricted. They don’t like the comparison of the dangers of firearms ownerships and gun ownership….why? Because they drive cars. Anti-Freedom people fly to visit relatives and vacation spots, they often bring their children with them…they don’t go to gun shops, gun shows, or gun ranges.

They frequently say “most people support my views…” and by “Most people” they mean “Myself, and my hand-picked cadre of like-minded friends”

All about them. Can you imagine if monsters like this could get their wishes? I do, its happened before, lots of times

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0 Responses to Rights Violation

  1. Mark says:

    Don’t put up with this unconstitutional garbage! It’s all worthless security theater that does nothing to keep you “safe”. Boycott Flying ENTIRELY until sanity returns! Please join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Flying/126801010710392

  2. Lissa says:

    I think it’s cowardly, but I really don’t want to watch that video. Your short description made my stomach turn and my blood boil.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Its not as bad as some. Either the little girl is very calm or totally dumbfounded by the experience, but she seems to take it well, which really helps.

      Also the TSA agent is appearing to be working as quickly and as lightly as possible.

      That being said its still horrible.

      • falnfenix says:

        the *only* acceptable part of that video is how gentle and speedy the TSA goon is throughout the process. she seems to be talking the kid through it, too, which likely helped keep the girl calm.

        it doesn’t mean it’s OK that this happens, though…because it absolutely is not OK.

  3. mike w. says:

    I honestly wouldn’t feel bad if one of these days a father just cold clocks some TSA worker who’s feeling up his kid.

    Think they’d be that thorough with a Muslim woman in a burqua and hijab?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      The most righteous end would be if indeed those back-scatter machines do dump out as many rads as some of my friends think, and there suddenly is an outbreak of leukemia or other such cancers from those who stand beside the running machines every day.

  4. Braden Lynch says:

    I’m about to take my family on its first ever long distance DRIVING vacation. I most carefully manuevered my wife into this transportation approach over flying because of cost considerations, but actually it is because I do not want to have to deal with assault charges. I would certainly use my martial arts training to knock any pervert TSA idiot senseless if they touched one of my young daughters.

    The TSA is a very bad joke. Their methods used will not detect body cavity hiding of explosives, which is our only real danger in the air now. With armored cockpit doors, the pilots are immune to anything that happens in the back end of the plane, if it does not involve explosives. Knifes, or even guns, will not get you far with a hundred angry passengers who know the consequences of inaction.

    I would love to see some terrorist try to take over a plane with box-cutters this time. When the plane lands the authorities could collect his sliced and diced remains in those little baggies they demand we use for our carry-on liquids.

  5. Pingback: zapping your rights, one foot at a time | walls of the city

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