Royalty is for the Weak

Tam has a great post puzzling over Americans fawning over the inbred welfare family in England and their stupid life soap opera. I think its stupid, and I do fucking hate royalty. The Bush Family, The Romney Family, the Clintons, and the Kennedys are all far too close to royalty for my liking, and at least they WERE elected to office, rather than racist elitist assholes with missing chromosomes who hold governmental positions simply because they were related to the last jerk who had that seat.

BTW ever notice how the lefties fawn over the UK parliamentary system, and act like Euros are far more enlightened than we. But they never seem to note that there will never be a black, or a Hispanic, or hell even a Italian or Russian English citizen in the house of lords. Hell there won’t ever even be a CATHOLIC, let alone a JEW. Can you imagine if our Senate ONLY held White Anglo-Saxon Protestants? We’d be OUTRAGED, and that’s without the part saying that these White Anglo-Saxon Protestants need to be related to the last crop of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants that sat in that chair.

Sounds a little like the Democrat and Klan controlled South, don’t it?

So I guess I’ll close on two videos first this one:

And for fun, this one, our first President, who was appointed, but refused to serve a secondthird (thanks alcade) term:

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0 Responses to Royalty is for the Weak

  1. alcade says:

    “but refused to serve a second term”

    Minor correction:

    He refused the third term.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      See that’s what I get for not double-checking my facts before putting pen to paper.

      • Vector says:

        He was also elected, not appointed.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Faaak, you may be right, but I want to do some more research. According to wikipedia he was unanimously elected by the electoral college, But remember something from history class about his election being an oddity. Was it a unanimous decision by the delegates without a ballot election by the people?

          Now I’m just confused and second guessing myself.

  2. Linoge says:

    I always found the notion of modern royalty kind of interesting in the, “Look at those cute pets kept around on the public dole for the people to think their country is special!” kind of way, but apart from that, their existence is a “neither here nor there” topic for me. That said, I will give Henry credit for bucking the “frakking useless” trend and going to serve in Afghanistan… and throwing a hissy fit when his unit deployed to Iraq without him; and likewise good on William for milking his Naval career as much as he could (it was inevitable he was going to have to give it up, but he has been doing his best to stick through with it). Cannot say as though I care a whit about the latter’s wedding (apart from the “best of luck and all that” I have for anyone’s), but I can at least respect that.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I will agree with you that the Princes have shown vastly more character than the whole entirety of their surviving family tree, especially their retarded father, and frankly I wasn’t very impressed with their Mom either. Doubly impressive when you think of that.

      That being said while the welfare family in the worlds largest double-wide, Windsor Palace, are indeed more of a Menagerie held in memorial of more whimsical and tyrannical times, one must not overlook the racist elitist pack of assholes in the House of Lords, which still plays a major part in the running of the Police State of Great Briton.

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