Safety Advice of the Antis

I got thinking about this post and the comments that are coming in. I thought I’d give a riff of analogies of things that follow the same vein of “I’ve never carried a gun, and I’m still alive, so you’re foolish for carrying a gun!” argument.

Of course all below are in jest, and should be taken as seriously as an anti telling you to not carry.

-I’ve smoked cigarettes and cigars to some degree since I turned 18, and I’ve never had cancer or emphysema. Obviously this means that the hazards of smoking are just paranoia.

-I’ve been in several car accidents, but I’ve never been injured, or seen an airbag deploy. Obviously auto safety features are a scam of the auto industry.

– I have had unprotected sex, and I have yet to have an unwanted pregnancy, nor an STI, so safe sex is obviously just paranoia.

-Tho I have no way of verifying it, I suspect that there have been times in my youth when I’ve driven an automobile when I was over the blood alcohol limit. I also suspect that I’ve been driven by people who were legally drunk. None of these events resulted in an arrest, nor an accident, so obviously people being concerned about drunk driving are paranoid.

-I have never had a home fire, or had my smoke detectors detect anything but dinner being burned. I’ve never heard my CO detectors chime on anything but their manual test. Home fires or CO poisoning are obviously problems of less civilized nations not at war.

-I have a home alarm, but it has never had anything but false alarms. People who are concerned about burglary or home invasions are paranoid.

-Neither I, nor my wife have been sexually assaulted. People who take precautions against rape are just being paranoid!

-I’ve managed to live my whole life without having a heart attack, or diabetes. People who watch their weight and diet are being overly fearful.

Man the list could go on! BTW it just so happens that I personally know at LEAST one person who has been effected by every single one of these dangers. The world is not a safe place, but it is possible to avoid serious harm with just dumb luck if you use a narrow enough scope, and a short enough timeline.

Don’t take advice from illogical people. That goes double for illogical people with a political agenda!

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0 Responses to Safety Advice of the Antis

  1. Jack says:

    Precautionary measures to mitigate non-absolute risks?

    Crazy talk!

    Also it’s hard to take anti-victimization advice from the guild of professional victims.

  2. Linoge says:

    If people solely based their current and future behavior and purchases exclusively on past experiences, a whole lot more people would be dead, as you just documented above.

    Why do “gun control” extremists want people dead?

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