She Has a Point

Over at Joe Huffman’s he has a lefty named “Ubu52”, she’s made herself pretty clear as the standard insult-flinging troll, but Joe Keeps her around. Like a blind pig she DOES find an Acorn once in a while.

Keep in mind that the Constitution can be changed. That is what the Tea Party is trying to do with the 14th Amendment. You could have 2nd Amendment today and gone tomorrow. The Constitution wasn’t written in stone.

YEAH, the constitution can be Amended, kinda like when they prohibited alcohol, then removed that amendment. If there was a constitutional convention that ruled that the 2nd Amendment was invalid and was repealed, that would be totally OK, and I’d have to give up my guns!

That’s how the Constitution works, and how its supposed to work. I’m sure Ubu was just trolling, but there’s a reason why I’m drawing attention to this.

I WELCOME HER TO TRY IT! Gun control has no support, so it will not be able to muster a Constitutional Convention. So its all wishful thinking of an anti-rights troll.

So Sad!

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0 Responses to She Has a Point

  1. PhillipC says:

    One thing that always makes me wonder about those people who say we should give up our guns…. I don’t intend to GIVE anything away that I’ve spent money on just because it’s illegal today when it wasn’t when I bought it. Do they intend to reimburse me for my guns? If not, I’ll be out of ammo or dead before they can take them from me. Wouldn’t be right, taking something a man’s spent his hard earned money on, that’s just theft.

    Oh right, they don’t think that far, do they?

  2. bgeek says:

    Yeah, I’ve used similar logic for those who say the Constitution is a “Living Document”. It sure is. You want to change it? No problem. All you’ll need is 2/3rds majority from both the House and Senate, as well as 3/4ths of the states for ratification. Be my guest.

  3. Bob S. says:


    I’m not sure that I entirely agree with your conclusion. While the Supreme Court has ruled the 2nd Amendment protects the individual right to keep and bear arms, there is also a strong case that the 9th Amendment would provide that protection.

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well the new Amendment COULD make an argument against the 9th, or some other such things. The key is that if the vast Majority of America demand we live in a Fascist Dictatorship, that can be legally done without suspending the constitution. The same goes with getting rid of the 2nd Amendment…or 1st, or 4th (they hate them all!) But this is entirely an academic discussion because the little pocket dictators calling for removal of rights are a hand-full of nuts screaming in the darkness.

  4. bluesun says:

    I honestly wish that the rights-restrictors would focus their efforts on that. And stop trying to legislate guns out of existence. Both would have the same amount of effectiveness, but one would leave a lot less annoying little laws on the books.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      It would also be much easier for us to expose and crush them for what they really are.

      That’s why they don’t do it. Nobody marches into certain doom. This is the same reason why I am not demanding Massachusetts pass constitutional carry.

      Would love it, and it would be a net good thing, but that’s a leap too far. Instead We should work on the May issue nature of permits, and that permits are required to own rather than just carry.

      Once we get there we can take the next step, and the next….

  5. mike w. says:

    Go ahead and try to repeal the 2A. Even if they were successful it matters not. I’d tell them the same thing I said to the Chicago Tribune when they brought up the idea.

    Repealing the 2nd Amendment doesn’t make it go away anymore than repealing the rest of the Bill of Rights would allow the government to kick in my door and rob, beat, imprison and torture me with impunity. The 2nd Amendment is inherent and inalienable just like the rest of the Bill of Rights. Words on ink & parchment don’t “grant” me the right to keep & bear arms, they merely codify a pre-existing right. My rights, all of them, exist independent of the Constitution.

  6. And repeal of the Second Amendment would call the legitimacy of the entire document into question, because IIRC the inclusion of the Bill of Rights was a condition of certain (if not all) of the states to ratify it.

    • mike w. says:

      Excellent point! You’d think gun haters might realize the precedent they’d start once going down that road RE – repeal of other provisions in the BOR. Pistolero is right about doing such a thing calling the entire Constituion into question.

      Of course there’s also the fact that I’m not going to concede my rights just because a majority of my countrymen decided to take them off of a piece of paper. They’re my rights and were never anyone else’s to take from me. Molon Labe.

  7. Linoge says:

    Personally, I wholeheartedly encourage people like Joan and Mike and all the rest of those anti-rights nuts to organize and start a movement to repeal the Second Amendment – I sincerely and honestly wish they would, and I would even go so far to post about it, and give them some free publicity.


    Because then they might adequately understand just how very small the “gun control” movement really is. Such an attempt would fail, fail spectacularly, and never be attempted again, and maybe these halfwitted morons would better consider what of their desires are attainable and what are not.

    But, then again, such a revelation requires a certain level of intelligence on the part of the anti-rights nuts, and I doubt the majority of them operate at or above that level…

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