Sometimes Stupidity is the only explanation

Get a load of this:

A Seattle teenager said she was told while volunteering at an elementary school to refer to her Easter egg treats as “spring spheres.”

The fact that the people making this call don’t step back and say “Wow that’s REALLY dumb!” is really cause for concern. Especially when you think who’s out-smarting you:

“When I took them out of the bag, the teacher said, ‘Oh look, spring spheres’ and all the kids were like ‘Wow, Easter eggs.’ So they knew,” Jessica said.

I wonder if the unnamed administrator has a PhD in Education.

Also You Leftist Secularists, I know you hate the Christians, but guess what? I was pretty old before I had any idea Easter had ANYTHING to do with Jesus. I always thought it was about spring time, bunnies, eggs, candy, and eating ham at my Grandmother’s house.

Even today, when I’m well aware of Jesus getting his suntan on Golgotha, Easter is still about eggs, candy, and eating ham. That’s the cool thing about freedom, you can celebrate things however you want! If you want to make Easter all about the death and resurrection of Christ and throw out all the Pagan spring solstice rituals of bunnies and eggs, I totally respect that. If you want to rock-and-roll the American consumer holiday jazz like the wife and I do, more power to ya, come on over, we’ll have ham!

If you want “Easter” to be a day of listening to Vicious Circle while locked in a latex fetish dungeon in your basement, and having lots of depraved sex, that’s wicked cool, make sure to tell me about it for the next VC!

BTW for more live-and-let-live holiday fun read this article about Christmas in Japan.

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0 Responses to Sometimes Stupidity is the only explanation

  1. alcade says:

    “If you want “Easter” to be a day of listening to Vicious Circle while locked in a latex fetish dungeon in your basement, and having lots of depraved sex, that’s wicked cool, make sure to tell me about it for the next VC!”

    Have you been peeping through my windows?!?

  2. North says:

    “If you want “Easter” to be a day of listening to Vicious Circle while locked in a latex fetish dungeon in your basement, and having lots of depraved sex, that’s wicked cool”

    No. I want Easter to be a special day.

  3. DaddyBear says:

    “If you want “Easter” to be a day of listening to Vicious Circle while locked in a latex fetish dungeon in your basement, and having lots of depraved sex, that’s wicked cool, make sure to tell me about it for the next VC!”

    We’ll be keeping the light on for you Weerd!

  4. AntiCitizenOne says:

    I was raised a Buddhist when I was a kid (then I abandoned it in college and now I’m an atheist/don’t believe in anything) and I had no idea back then Easter had something to do with Christianity. I just thought it was kinda weird we were dyeing eggs (that you were supposed to eat), kinda like playing with food, and then having to find them because some wacked out rabbit decided to hide them. Then when I found out it had something to do with Christianity I really didn’t think much of it anyways.

    Nanny state for the win!

    They don’t even LOOK like fucking spheres. Now I’m seriously questioning the collectivists’ intelligence.

  5. bluesun says:

    Ugh. I abhor political correctness, and I wonder if it’s because I am a Christian and have to hear things like this over and over…

    A saying I like is “Be intolerant, because some things are just stupid” and I think this situation would fit.

  6. mike w. says:

    Weer’d, it’s OK if you enjoy a good pegging in your basement. You don’t have to tell the world about it!

  7. Lissa says:

    You beat me to it — I was planning a post titled “Shove those Spring Spheres up your Sphincter!”

  8. Bob S. says:

    That’s the cool thing about freedom, you can celebrate things however you want!

    And that should be your clue as to why certain creeds aren’t allowed to celebrate as they want to — those creeds encourage freedom.

    If you want to make Easter all about the death and resurrection of Christ and throw out all the Pagan spring solstice rituals of bunnies and eggs, I totally respect that

    Problem is you shouldn’t be allowed to make individual choices about what to respect or not. The Educated Elite of the country has already decided what is acceptable or not, you must be an uneducated redneck if you think differently.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well Said, Bob. And I happen to be an Educated Redneck with a Bachelor’s of Science from a Redneck university where my lab partners would frequently stick their arms up a cow’s ass to palpate the fetus…and that still didn’t keep me from flirting with them. (Tho in my own defense I would wait for them to clean off before turning up the Weer’d Charm….dunno how women resist me, but they sure do!) 😀

  9. Caleb says:

    You know what really kills me? An egg isn’t a goddamn sphere.

    • Jennifer says:

      Exactly what I was going to say!

      Funny thing, I grew up Christian and still had no idea that Easter had anything to do with Christianity. It was about chocolate and bunnies, eggs and new dresses. Sometime including a fabulous hat. I grew up in one of those churches that rejected the liturgical calendar. But we could still celebrate like the pagans!

      Now I attend a far less legalistic church that does follow the liturgical calendar. And we can still celebrate like the pagans.

      And I don’t even have a basement! Harumph.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I didn’t want to get into the whole “Oblate Spheroid” thing. 😀

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