Sudafed Blues

So in the name of good vacation planning the wife decided to get sick. Our host had some expired sudafed that was a last resort (Wife does degredation studies on drugs and sticks to the recommend dates, and never keeps drugs in a bathroom that has a shower) so we stopped by a local drugsore. Being Sunday the pharmacy counter was closed until one, and of course you need a licensed pharmacist to make sure you don’t cook it into Meth.

So we did some sight seeing at UNC, then at 1:00 we hit a Walmart on our way to Charlotte.

Pharmacy was closed..FOR LUNCH! A whole Walmart pharmacy closed for lunch!

Thankfully there was another pharmacy down the street that was indeed open, so the wife is doped, and will likely fall asleep in the car.

Thank goodness we have all these laws, because now there is ZERO problems with memory meth on the streets.


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0 Responses to Sudafed Blues

  1. 45er says:

    I didn’t think about the shower. Luckily, the wife decided to keep everything in a sealed plastic container for organizational purposes. Now, I see it serves two purposes. Hope the wife feels better. I’m not a fan of the Sudafed fog, but it sure can help sometimes.

  2. Gotta have a licensed pharmacist on duty at all times, even if the robo-dispenser does most of the work. By having a licensed pharmacist on duty in the immediate area of the counter, those prepackaged , pre-compounded pills and ointments and syrups achieve the state of professionalism that you, as a layperson, can only imagine.

    Meanwhile, a licensed doctor can set up a website with a questioner and assuming the patent clicks on the right answers, they can find themselves, for a fee, to have been remotely prescribed with prescription for a pill who’s name will certainly throw this comment into your bitbucket.

    Once you have that prescription professionally prescribed via remote viewing, don’t even think of having it filled overseas though. That would be completely unsafe! (I learned that little tidbit from a supporter of NAFTA, who taught me that free trade is good, as long as it’s good for the bottom line of a major corporation)

  3. Old NFO says:

    Yeah, the 1% is F’ing things up yet again for the rest of us… sigh

  4. I hope she’s feeling better now!

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