Well That Was Awesome

Just got back from the range trip. Jay was kickin’ ass with the pistols, and has proof, while my pistol shooting was mediocre. (Need to log some serious double-action time with the S&W 617 to tighten up my basics)

The FAL ran like a champ, Wally did me solid with his magic smithery. (Thanks again, Bud!) It was the star of the show as there were a few other guys on the firing line and they all took a turn. Also while my pistol targets were shameful, the FAL target pushed out to 25 yards offhand was just how I wanted it to look.

Oh and Jay was laughing at this sight. This is what being a Massachusetts gun owner is like

Yeah that trigger lock is as big as the gun. Now if I had a spare pocket to drop it into it wouldn’t need a lock, but putting it in my range bag, it needed that lock AND while I was driving needed to be locked in the back of my truck.

Don’t you feel safer now!

Great times, just what I needed!

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0 Responses to Well That Was Awesome

  1. Bill says:

    Why do good people stay in MA?

    It’s amazing that the state that started our revolution for freedom has fallen so far.

    The formerly Free State of Massachusetts is no longer!

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    I thought under Mass. Law the weapon had to be disassembled and the Ammo stored in another State?

  3. Riley says:

    How are you liking your PM45? I need to replace a gun and am considering getting that one.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’m totally in love with it. Its approximately the same size as the S&W J-Frame that was formally my go-to backup/light carry gun. Its light enough to pocket carry all day, and its been rock-solid reliable. Now the current round count is about 500 no failures that weren’t ammo related.

      I still need to get some 7-round TP45 magazines and see how they run in the gun as an extended reload.

      • Riley says:

        That’s what I was hoping to hear. I’m looking to replace the Springfield XD I had stolen and definitely wanted to go back with another 45. I liked that one because of the small size and 45. Loaded with 6 and carrying a 7 round as a bak up and you have as much as the XD would carry.

        Thanks Weerd!!!

  4. McThag says:

    Perhaps someday you’ll be able to merely be a gun owner and your location will not matter.

    Here’s to hoping!

    All I had to do to get Iowa to start unscrewing their laws about guns was leave; and they weren’t near as bad as some.

  5. Wally says:

    Glad you are still enamored with the FAL!

  6. alcade says:

    Reading about your adventures with MA gun laws almost makes me glad I live in the Wild West of Illinois.


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