Who Wants to Talk About Weiners?

OK this is so funny! Anthony Weiner is a guy who has always been on my radar. He’s super-far left, he’s obnoxious, and generally a sleazy guy. Also I love how appropriate that this milquetoast limosine-liberal/troll is named “Weiner”. Let’s start with the hilarious press conference:

So somebody “Played a prank” which involved sending a picture of some under-breeches smothered in tube-steak to a young woman. Now given that he’s a US Representative and a public figure, and a married man, that’s some pretty defamatory stuff right there…but Rep Wiener hasn’t called the cops. Why not? Because getting arrested by the cops is EXACTLY what the prankster wants!!11!! Also note that he refuses to answer if he did send a photo, or if that IS his cock in the picture. He just keeps repeating the same thin story over and over again, because rehearsed repetition TOTALLY sounds believable, doesn’t it?

Now this interview has occurred:

OK now his personal computer was hacked, which is a bad crime for you or I, for a US Representative with security clearance et al, that’s a VERY serious crime. Why didn’t he call the cops? Well he considers this “Spam”.

Lemme break that down. Somebody sending me an email or a comment on this blog for pills to enlarge my dick, or an ad for a spinning class, that’s spam. If somebody hacks my blog, uploads a picture of an erect penis, and send it to young women who are NOT my wife? That’s the furthest damn thing from spam.

Also note that he mentions that pictures can be manipulated, and he’s got a private team working on it, but he refuses to say if its his hog or his breeches or not, or if he indeed sent it, rather than Crash Override.

I think we can all see what’s happening but Confederate Yankee mentions that the neo-socialists are blaming Andrew Breitbart for all of this. I checked a few usual suspects, and the standard procedure of ignoring a Democrat doing anything bad is done. Still I did find this heap of crazy. (Make sure to read the comments)

BTW have you noticed when a Republican gets caught doing something retarded like this you always hears about “hypocrisy”, but you never hear that with a Donk. Its not like Bill Clinton was public about being in an open marriage, its not like Anthony Wiener has a “Pro Show Your Hog to college Chix” platform for his re-election.

BTW if you haven’t seen said hog-shot its right here. If you want to compare me to Anthony Wiener, my Hog is right here!

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0 Responses to Who Wants to Talk About Weiners?

  1. North says:

    All I got when I tweeted my wiener was hairy palms.

  2. RWC says:


    You’d think a guy who direct messages pornstars and a high school girl whose turn on is married men would get the benefit of the doubt 😛

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Kinda like a President with a long history of rape, sexual harassment, and philandering should have gotten a little more leeway when a dumpy and dumb intern stepped forward. 😉

  3. mike w. says:

    Umm when you attempt to sent a picture inside a Direct Message on Twitter it pops up and tells you that it could be accessable to others.

    Also, just read the WNI post. I think I killed more than a few brain cells reading the comments.

  4. North says:

    Breaking News!

    Weiner is a wiener!

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