Why are they so Quiet?

After writing this post I saw this video posted by Sean and Alan

Watch the whole thing. Hell Joan Peterson took the time in a post to wonder why the NRA and gun owners in General were opposed to Andrew Traver ( I mean besides the whole, support of an unconstitutional gun ban and restriction of 2nd Amendment rights in his Native Chicago, as well as pressing politically motivated lies against lawful gun owners)

And of course all the anti-gun people seem to be all bleeding heart about Mexico’s violent crime problem…..except when it comes to our ATF corroborating with the criminals in Mexico. If they care, why are they so quiet?

How about this little debate with Colin Goddard

If he’s in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, why is he so stalwart on how NICS checks are implemented? Why must it only be done by FFLs and Police?

Maybe because FFLs can be revoked and Police can be asked by their Anti-Gun Politician superiors to refuse checks?

If they actually cared about safety why is there no evidence of this? Why does it always seem to lead to gun bans?

Hmmmmm I wonder why….

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0 Responses to Why are they so Quiet?

  1. DaddyBear says:

    Pick the outcome you want, sketch out the intermediate steps to get there, then fill in the blanks with PSH, lies, bullying, and hyperbole.

    OK, got the gameplan all done. Where’s my check from the Joyce Foundation?

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