Why I Own Guns

Rosanne Barr is an idiot, and deeply mentally ill. That being said, there are lots of people who don’t see her ravings as those of a lunatic.

“I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn’t help, then being beheaded,” Barr said with a straight face.

Note that the $100 Million is a number she pulled out of her massive ass, and there is NOTHING stopping people from changing the goal posts to any number of things they personally don’t like.

Chances are her dreams of mass murder will never see reality, but she is NOT alone. When somebody like her DOES see power and followers you can defend yourself and others.

Carry your damn guns, people!

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0 Responses to Why I Own Guns

  1. guffaw says:

    Borrowing (stealing) this for my blog. Thank You. She should be thankful there is a First Amendment.

  2. Robert says:

    She capped it at $100 million because she personally is worth $80 million. I guess having lots of money doesn’t cure envy.

  3. alcade says:

    Funny. I just saw her on the cover of Oprah’s magazine, with, of course, Oprah…. who, if I’m not mistaken, is worth several times 100 million.

    Also stealing you’re quote.

  4. Windy Wilson says:

    Yes, Does Oprah know she said this? I don’t think she’s going to get called back to the show anytime soon, and that lunch date, Daahling, something came up and I can’t make it anymore.

    Besides, if these things Roseanne desires came to pass, it would be only a matter of days before the upper limit fell below 10 million, and Roseanne would have to haul her fat ass onto the cattle car she’s so eager to send others on.

  5. RedeemedBoyd says:

    I think I traded several points of IQ for a headache attempting to read her gobblespeak. I’m not sure I understand how someone can even have a thought process like this, not only for the sheer uneducated stupidity aspect, but the complete lack of logic in her statement.
    I genuinely confounds me that people can still think this way, especially in America.

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