Words Fail Me

I was going to do a Fisking or just a commentary, but man its just too pathetic to even discuss in a single blog post. I’ll just say go read the whole thing, Joan Peterson has totally gone off the deep end, and I’m really enjoying it.

Just read it and Remember!

Image courtesy of Robb Allen

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0 Responses to Words Fail Me

  1. Bob S. says:

    I am still trying to figure out where to start on that steaming pile.

    Wow….she can’t understand the moral difference between mala in se and mala prohibitum?

    Really, I thought that was a stage of development that was passed in the elementary school years.

  2. bluesun says:

    Weer’d, that is the first time I’ve ever gone over to her blog, and I must say–props to you and others who read her on a regular basis. How you can even follow what she is saying, I have no idea.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      In her defense this is by far the most disjointed, and while she’s a passive-aggressive professional victim par excellance, this is hands down the most passive-aggressive she’s ever been on the blog.

      I suspect a box of red wine might have been involved, and of course the Brady Suicide watch. It sucks when people keep calling you a narrow minded bigot…and they’re right!

  3. mike w. says:

    i’m with Bluesun. I can’t willfully subject myself to too much of that. I’m honestly worried I might go insane via osmosis, or at least kill off some important braincells the more I read.

  4. Eck! says:

    She is easy to understand.. Guns bad.

    Good intentions can bring about as much destruction as an evil conqueror. Either way, the result is the same.[Dune]

    And that makes her dangerous.

    to reuse one of her own lines. I cannot take anything japete wrote there seriously.


    • Weerd Beard says:

      She has no good intentions. She knows truth doesn’t back her up. She knows these laws failed in the past. She knows none of these laws would have saved her sister’s life, yet she constantly brings her name up.

      She does this because it gets her face on the Brady Campaign’s webpage.
      She does this because it gets her personal email from C-list Celebrities like Paul Helmke and Peter Hamm (I have a cousin who’s a LAW PROFESSOR, and he needed a reminder at who Alan Gura was, NOBODY outside of our political circle knows who Hamm and Helmke are)
      She does this because it gets her invited to Brady Campaign functions.
      She does it because obviously she’s insecure about herself, and it gives her something to boost her “Self Esteem”

      She has NO good intentions, just selfish, narrow minded bigotry.

      • Eck! says:


        I didn’t say good intentions got good results. That quote was chosen because inept attempts at
        legislating good behavior fails every time, or at best becomes evil in it self.

        Talking about japete and truth in the same sentence is a discussions of polar opposites.

        As to her self esteem, who cares, if its that weak then it’s another failed example for us to look at and say
        “She’s not totally useless, she can serve as a bad example”.


  5. AuricTech says:

    The “gun guys” are sure they can intimidate me, cajole me, lecture me, bully me, accuse me, one-up me and be rude, obnoxious, inappropriate and just plain ridiculous. This apparently, is the way to get your way.

    As opposed to her preferred method of getting her way, which is to unleash the coercive power of the State on people who disagree with her. I wonder how many “gun deaths” inflicted by the police on those who would resist being disarmed she’s willing to accept?

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