Yes, iCan

So the office is closed, but somebody needs to check on the critters, and this weekend it’s me. I’ve decided to do a few sundry tasks while the office is empty, and while waiting for the machines to warm up its given me some time at my desk. So I decided to tidy up a bit. Look what I found.

I think the previous owner was makings a statement about apple products. I didn’t put the sticker there, but I don’t think I can disagree with them. 🙂

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0 Responses to Yes, iCan

  1. Old NFO says:

    LOL- Obviously that person didn’t do a lot of graphics… PCs are great for number crunching, but Macs have it hands down for graphics/publishing stuff…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      We don’t do much graphical design in the office. Also I’ll point out that our issued Macs were total shitboxes. I had an old eMac until the company upgraded everybody to XP boxes.

      There’s a lot to hate there!

  2. McThag says:

    At one place I worked the art department used Macs. When I was hired they’d just replaced all of the computers, including the Macs. By the time I’d left, the PC’s had been replaced twice and the same Macs were still there.

    I asked about that, since the new PC’s were way better machines each time. I got told that the Macs cost so much more that they weren’t able to upgrade as often (add that to Dell leasing the PC’s for far less than cost). Most people today will be familiar with a state of the art machine and oftentimes the Macs in an office are getting long in the tooth as the purchasing department defers replacing the expensive things. Many people’s first encounter with a Mac is at work with an ancient machine that’s no where near as good as their home machine. It does tend to sour the impression Apple makes on someone.

    I am a Mac owner; but I find them to merely be computers; nothing more, nothing less. The OS wars are about as silly as 9mm v .40 v .45. It has a lot more to do with preferences than an inherent superiority of one over the other in all things.

    My Mac Pro is also my XP Pro PC (because Mac’s suck for games.)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heh, they really are just computers. The same way 1911s are just pistols. Just so happens that PCs work a lot better for me, and do it for less money, plus are easy to rebuild so I can limp them along longer for less money.

      Simple as that.

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