A Change in Culture

You still see vestiges of the old Gun Culture of America. We have laws that talk about only allowing “Sporting” firearms, or restricting guns because they have “No Sporting Purpose”, or people saying “Why do you need [Gun X]? You can’t hunt with it!”

We still have sport and hunting guns (and we always will, because as long as the 2nd Amendment exists in its original intent we will always allow hunting and sport shooting) but the new gun culture is about defensive guns.

Wisconsin residents have overwhelmed the state Justice Department with so many concealed weapon permit applications agency officials say they probably won’t meet deadlines for issuing approvals this month despite pulling dozens of employees from other tasks to help.

These people aren’t buying guns to shoot ducks, deer, or pieces of paper (Tho they may do one or all of those activities in the currently or in the near future) they’re getting guns to carry defensively. Not only is OWNING guns part of American Culture, but CARRYING guns is too. KEEP AND BEAR Arms, just like the Amendment says.

The Anti-rights cultists are simply anti-American, and if they don’t like it, they can leave.

As for those of you new to carrying, you might find this article interesting! Carry your guns, you never know when you might need them!

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0 Responses to A Change in Culture

  1. That was always my biggest anti gun argument. No one needs an assault riffle for protection or hunting. Of course, I didn’t even know what an assault riffle was or what was actually used for protection or hunting, but the argument sounded good.

    I do have to say even with all my protesting and fist shaking, I was never for passing legislation. I was for informing ad nauseam about the dangers of guns and for the people to voluntarily see the light.

    The whole idea is insane. The idea that anyone should get to decide what is ok and what isn’t based on lies and fabrication is silly and outside of guns that was my motto on all things.

    Now, I am just plain insane. I don’t think I necessarily need an AK or AR or anti tank missile launcher, but I want one, of each. Ok, ok, I still am not sure what an assault riffle is or if there really is a missile launcher, but they sound fun all the same.

    I read the article/post you linked to(of course) and it should be tattooed on all new gun owners. My silly husband still carries a lot of the time without one in the chamber. Of all the good the military did for him, that is one bad habit, I wish theynhadn’t instilled.

    • Pyrotek85 says:

      Assault rifle is a real term, it’s a rifle firing an intermediate cartridge that is select fire capable (semi or full auto/3 round burst). Technically the AKs and ARs we can buy aren’t assault rifles because they’re semi auto only, except for the very few full autos left in civilian hands (requires extra paperwork and are very expensive due to artificial scarcity).

      Now, assault weapon is a term the media/anti gun lobby made up for basically any scary military looking rifle that has ‘evil’ features, like folding stocks, bayonets, or pistol grips. Generally just cosmetic features. We sometimes call these EBRs (evil black rifles) as a joke. Really though, these rifles aren’t fundamentally different from other long guns, which is why the distinction they try to make is silly. Definitely get yourself at least one of those at some point, they’re great weapons.

      As for rocket launchers/RPGs, I believe you can buy the launcher itself, but generally not the ammunition for them.

  2. Cargosquid says:


    What service was your husband in? Was it the Navy or the Air Force? Because, for the longest time (I don’t know if they STILL do it) Navy watch standers guarded the brow of ships with an unloaded .45, with the mag in the belt. And then, we were instructed to load it, but not chamber it in later years.


    Want to see a change in the culture? It’s shocking. From our friend Joan’s comments:

    From Keli, talking about carrying: We have the right to protect ourself..a right to feel safe for if the time comes.
    Joan: Yes, you have that right. No one wants to take it away from you.

    Not just own, but carry. I wonder if she realizes what she said……

    Of course, we know she’s lying because in earlier posts she mentioned wanting to ban guns. Either that, or she is completely delusional.

    • He was a Marine. He retired last January. When he was in war or other combat situations it was chambered, of course, but state side for guard duty etc, never. What is strange is that he didn’t have a lot of guard duty. When he was enlisted he did of course, but once he got commished and promoted to Captain, he didn’t stand duty again. It was just something that stayed with him.

      Ok, ok, I just started asking my husband questions and he said why are you asking all this, so I told him and he said, “well, actually, I was suppose to carry it chambered in the states, but didn’t see the threat and never did.”

      My apologies to the Corps.

      So, now what is interesting is that he would never encourage me to carry unchambered.

      He is not an arrogant guy or one to feel invincible, so I wonder what the deal is.

      Looks like I will need to do some probing about this.

      • Cargosquid says:

        Tell him Semper Fi from one of his taxi drivers.
        I still miss having Marines on guard duty instead of rent’a cops.
        I knew that we could depend upon them to stop any threat.

        But I will admit that they are better utilized out in the world killing bad guys.

        Go Navy!

  3. Cargosquid says:

    I’m thinking delusional because:

    January 3, 2012 7:11 AM
    Cargosquid said…

    “But the public in general does not see the need for guns in public places and don’t really want them.”

    Well, except for the HUGE increase in carry permits when its allowed, the huge increase in the amount of gun laws being liberalized, the huge increase in areas being pro-gun, and the HUGE increase in gun sales, you would be right

    japete said…

    And none of that has anything to do with public opinion about gun and gun policy. it has to do with the uber influence of the NRA.

    Man! That NRA sure does have a lot of power to influence entire states. Even the entire country. Its the NRA that’s making those people get concealed carry permits. not public opinion. All those people are going against the “majority public opinion.” You’d think that with that much power, we’d get rid of all anti-gun laws and have constitutional carry everywhere. Its the NRA that has popularized all those gun shows and gun TV shows.

    Just think what the NRA could do with double its membership.

    I like to think what the SAF could do with HALF the NRA’s membership……….

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