A Nice Double Standard

Have a look at these two Brady posts. First a recent one on the lawsuit against MKS and Hi-Point for the actions of a straw buyer.

In a landmark decision, a New York appeals court unanimously held that a gun manufacturer, distributor and dealer could be held liable for supplying a gun trafficking ring with 181 Saturday Night Special handguns, one of which was used to shoot Daniel Williams, then a high school basketball star in Buffalo…The Brady Center’s Jonathan Lowy, who argued the appeal, said, “This important ruling states that gun companies who choose to supply the criminal gun market are not above the law. When the gun industry place profits over people, they should and must be held accountable to the innocent victims of their dangerous practices.”

Now this:

. Weak U.S. gun laws are facilitating gun trafficking to Mexico.
From 2007 to 2011, more than 68,000 crime guns have been recovered in Mexico and traced back to the United States (2007 to 2011)…House Republicans are actively blocking the Obama Administration’s efforts catch gun traffickers. The House twice has voted to block continued implementation of the Administration’s regulatory requirement that multiple sales of certain semi-automatic rifles in the border states be promptly reported to ATF to give the law enforcers real-time notice of the suspicious gun sales that are feeding the drug cartels.

In all of that they fail to mention that the ATF WAS THE TRAFFICKER! I suspect the Brady Campaign as well as the other members of the anti-gun lobby should be sued in their involvement is covering for these deadly crimes.

Honestly it just sounds like a lousy dealer, and an evil criminal. Of course the Anti-Rights cult never thinks that’s enough, because their end goal is ALWAYS to disarm the lawful.

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3 Responses to A Nice Double Standard

  1. Greg Camp says:

    The Brady Bunch is a victim of their own mentality. They consistently refuse to place blame on the people who actually do the bad act because of being politically correct, and now, they can’t figure out where blame belongs.

  2. TS says:

    What is the over/under on how long till they bitch about the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act by calling it blanket immunity from lawsuits that no other industry has?

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Kinda Funny they went after Hi-Point and MKS. Couple of points.
    1) Hi-Point is an Independent, not part of any Conglomerate. So they don’t have Deep Pockets for the Lawyers. Just defending themselves could break them.
    2) If Hi-Point/MKS was supplying a Lawful Dealer, then that Dealer was playing Shenanigans, is it not the BATFE’s RESPONSIBILITY to stop the Dealer, not the Manufacturer? So shouldn’t the BATFE be a Defendant?

    You know, this sounds like a “Rogue Sting Operation” to shut down the smaller guys. If it’s successful, then who is next? Remington, Winchester, Sigarms, etc.?

    The Big Boys better watch out. Sure, they would like to see the Competition eliminated, but they shouldn’t forget some History lessons.

    “First they came for the Jews…”

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