All Bad News

So I have some bad news, so bad news, and some bad news for y’all

The bad news is Mitt Romney won the Florida Primary

But the bad news is that Newt Gingrich has chosen to continue his campaign for President.

Still in the end we need to keep the bad news in mind: We’ll be looking at four more years of President Barack Obama.


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0 Responses to All Bad News

  1. McThag says:

    I voted for Kodos.

    The good news is that the Florida delegates only count for half come convention time because of our moving our primary up.

    That might come to bite Mittens despite the win.

  2. bluesun says:

    Mickey Mouse (or He-Man) could still pull off a write in victory.

    And isn’t that just a little bit sad.

  3. AZRon says:

    I predict that the snotsucker in chief will be re-elected by a wide margin.
    It has nothing to do with viable opponents. It has to do with voter fraud and white guilt. After all, what could be more racist that a one term, half white president?

    We’re fu(K@d, get used to it.

  4. Boyd says:

    all of which could lead to 20-30 years of bad news at SCOTUS

  5. Linoge says:

    You are assuming that outcome was ever in doubt.

    All the more reason I will be voting third-party – voting Democrat will not quite drive home the point of how STUPID the Republicans were this year.

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