Almost a Mass-“Gun Death”

A Scary Story!

Dozens of people waiting in line for food were forced to run for their lives when a car plowed into them Thursday evening.

“When I ran out there was just bodies laying in the grass. People were crying and the car was pressed up against fence,” a witness said.

A car plowed into dozens of families lined up at an Attleboro food pantry, scattering victims across the lawn and into the street…Police say the driver of the car had a medical emergency, sending her car out of control. Six people were taken to the hospital.

Now if this had been an accident with a gun, it would be national news story. Given that it was a car, and not a gun, I actually had to hunt down this story after hearing a short blip on the news wire.

Those who use “Gun Death” for political reasons are heartless beasts!

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0 Responses to Almost a Mass-“Gun Death”

  1. I’m still of the opinion the Jared Loughner would have done considerably more damage with a vehicle than a gun. People crammed together and the momentum of a 1 object, yeah bugs on a windshield come to mind.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Plus the only reason why there were so FEW injured was because he was tackled! Even a Smart Car is hard to tackle.

      It would have been closer to the Norway shooting had Americans not gotten the message that the Police will NOT arrive in time, so take a chance and jump on the guy!

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