Anti-Freedom, NOT Anti-Gun

Of course we know that anti-rights activists view the 2nd Amendment with nothing but spite, and would repeal it if they could. Given that they can’t, they just push laws that violate that.

Sebastian and Miguel talk about CSGV’s active hostility to George Zimmerman receiving a fair trial by a jury of his peers. Why, because he’s a lawful gun owner, and they hate him. Further the new evidence presented again all agrees with the story we heard on day one from Sanford Police. Zimmerman took a documented beating that night, and all evidence points that Martin was doing all of the beating. Overall I’m standing clear until all the evidence is released at the trial (specifically Martin’s blood toxicology, which is the one piece of evidence that would explain why things went down the way they are claimed by Zimmerman…ie that Martin ran off, and then doubled back and ambushed Zimmerman) It appears that every piece of concrete evidence agrees with Zimmerman’s story. The “Evidence” for Martin’s side all seems to be hearsay, or even pure fiction. Certainly all I’ve seen points out that Sanford had no reason to Arrest Zimmerman, and his later arrest and trumped-up charges were all at the bidding of the racist, violent mobs. There WILL be riots nation-wide, I suspect, and Zimmerman will likely get murdered by “Street Justice”, so arm up and be ready.

Here’s another great anti-freedom example from Joan Peterson:

.60-plus guns going back to 3 members of Hutaree militia via @freep- more dangerous people with dangerous weapons

Ummm, from the story:

Now that they’ve been vindicated, three Hutaree militia defendants are getting their guns and ammunition back.

The court concluded that they are entitled to get their 60-plus guns back, along with hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition…”Since they didn’t engage in criminal activity, their lawfully maintained weapons and ammunition should be returned. The government has no basis to keep law-abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

Of course Ms. Peterson and her Brady Campaign, and Joyce Foundation masters see ZERO need of INNOCENT people getting their property back. You see they see no reason for lawful people from owning guns. (Well except for whatever they consider “legitimate guns”….but I suspect Joan would toss her own Husband’s hunting rifles under the bus if she could)

These people are Anti-Freedom, and guns are just a small part of that. They will ban whatever they feel they can, and they will eliminate ANY freedoms they can. They do NOT believe in human rights! They do NOT believe in due process! They do not believe in laws or justice!

What they WANT is to control people. And the term “Useful Idiots” was coined because people like Joan Peterson, and Dan Gross, and Ladd Everett, and Jason Kilgore, and every other person pushing a “Progressive” agenda feel that once human rights are removed, only the people they perceive as “Other” will be harmed, and they will survive. Of course they will be the FIRST to be destroyed.

All you need to do is look at any Socialist State. The teachings of Marx, and the uprisings by his students were NEVER about altruism. It was ALWAYS about piracy and looting of the “Others”, and the “Others” were NEVER the people listening to speeches or fighting for the cause.

Just look at this whole 99% vs. the 1% of the Kill the Jews Movement. Do you think the people who were starved by Stalin or Mao, or put into death camps by Pol Pot or Hitler, or even the people who were killed by sub-standard hospitals in the UK Socialist Healthcare system thought they were the people who would feel the knife of the revolution?

They ALL thought it would be green pastures and the Big Rock Candy Mountain, while the object of their spite (be it the “Rich” or the “Educated”, or “Jews and Gypsies” etc) would suffer their fate.


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0 Responses to Anti-Freedom, NOT Anti-Gun

  1. bobby says:

    “.60-plus” guns?

    I would hope that they’d return at least MORE than SIX / TENTHS of a gun.

    Math iz hard!

  2. Jack says:

    Hell, one of the first rules of any “People’s Revolution” is that you liquidate the useful idiots that helped put you into power first.

    Once the “inner circle” becomes “legitimate” the protesters, street fighters, and other rabble rouses become a liability.

    Those that are useful are bribed and kept in to help run the security organs, those that can be cowed are cowed, but those that can’t be bribed and are still true belivers might not get the memo that the revolution is over… they must be taken care of.

  3. Jack says:

    To repeat… this is just scary: “more dangerous people with dangerous weapons”

    In their world, merely being charged is enough to permanantly infringe on your rights. Why even bother with Court? Joan and her buddies just “know” these folks are dangerous.

    They really don’t realize or care how radical they sound at this. Or the Police State they’re gleefully pushing for.

    • Erin Palette says:

      Hey Weerd, hasn’t Joan left you email or Twitter comments about “Try not to shoot anyone” and “Next time I’m in the area I might just drop by” ?

      Seems to me those could be interpreted as threats of stalking. You disagree with her; she wants you disarmed; she also might drop by, against your wishes.

      I’m just saying, if being charged makes you automatically evil and guilty… then, y’know…. I’m just spitballing here….

      • Weerd Beard says:

        She’s never emailed me, and I don’t have a twitter….but she DID post a comment on her blog saying she drove by my town.

        Of course she was driving from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania…so unless she went a day out of her way, and drove through Canada, she probably didn’t get anywhere near Metro Boston. Either way, the comment really only makes sense in one context.

        There are a bunch of other antis who have played the same veiled threat game. Also most anti-rights people are criminals, or do a lot of work covering for them.

        Violent criminals are their bread and butter, and they only believe in “guilty until proven innocent…and even then they’re guilty” when its people they don’t like. In this case lawful gun owners.

        Meanwhile Trayvon Martin is an angel in a white robe, despite all evidence showing that he was pounding a man, who didn’t even have a speeding ticket to his name into the ground, and I’ll be surprised if he wasn’t on drugs at the time.

        Pick-and-choose enforcement. Its rule #1 of a Police state!

        • Erin Palette says:

          Well, that was my point. Either she went out of her way to semi-stalk you, or she was playing mind games by suggesting that she did.

          By her own apparent admission, being charged with something makes that person guilty. I say, use her own tactics against her, and start building a case that she’s stalking you.

          It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. If charges are brought then, ipso facto, she is guilty. Or she has to publicly backpedal.

          Either way discredits her.

    • Kaerius says:

      “To repeat… this is just scary: “more dangerous people with dangerous weapons””

      Well, today I actually saw a blog post where that would be an accurate statement(It was about criminal gangs stealing US military weaponry, including artillery shells!)

  4. Ed says:

    Joan Peterson,
    “Dangerous people with dangerous weapons”?
    What exactly makes the people “dangerous” – the “dangerous weapons”?
    Would you then prefer unarmed “not dangerous people”?
    It appears that what you are really complaining about is the effectiveness of the tools the “dangerous people” possess are willing to achieve proficiency with and to use. If necessary, a rock or a shoe can become a “dangerous weapon”. Do you wear shoes, Joan? Are there rocks nearby? Are you allowed anything other than a spoon to eat your dinner with? Are you allowed to use pens or pencils to write instead of crayons? Has your belt been confiscated already, because, you know, you might use it to harm yourself, or someone else, because you might be a “dangerous person”, too? Are the walls padded where you live?
    Projecting much?

  5. Old NFO says:

    Good one Weer’d! 🙂

  6. Pingback: Joan Double’s Down | Weer'd World

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