Anti-Freedom, Not Anti-Gun

Here’s an interesting video. Evidently the dickweed in Aurora was seeing a Psychiatrist. That could mean a LOT of things, anything from ADD and Minor Depression, to serious psychotic behavior…or as is suggested in the video, a plot for an insanity defense. (I’m not a conspiracy sort of guy but who knows?)

Of course the media is doing what they do best, reading into every minor detail they can and attempting to expand it to “breaking news”. Of course it should be pretty clear that reporters attempting to break a story first are frequently getting EVERYTHING wrong.

I wonder about this “notebook of stick figures”, how clear it actually is, or if maybe its something more like this little number. Also the guy arguing against the psychiatrist is attempting to pain patient privilege at going too far. Still I can picture a variant of Tam’s little post about ammo sales:

“Hello Police this, Dr. Hed”
“How can we help you?”
“Oh well I just got out of a session with a patient and he said he gets so mad he could kill somebody.”
“Oh, do you think he means to kill somebody?”
“No, not really, it just sounds like a common verbalization of frustration and anger.”
“So what do you want us to do about it?”
“Oh nothing, just some media dipshit thinks I should tell you ever bit of word salad my patients say”

Also the antis I’m sure will want people who are seeing a Psychiatrist to give up their rights…which will of course keep people from seeking treatment, or take certain drugs (like anti-depressants or Attention Disorder meds) under the less knowledgeable over-site of their general practitioner. Not that any of this shit will solve anything, but if they can stamp out just a LITTLE bit more freedom, the better!

BTW the talk of Client Privilege made me think of this classic clip:

Andy Griffith in his latter years was a pretty extremist “Progressive”, as is Ron Howard now. I wonder if the two of them regret making this scene….

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0 Responses to Anti-Freedom, Not Anti-Gun

  1. Jack says:

    If they even remember it? Yeah they’d really hate those lines:

    “But if it helps the law!”

    “Because whether a man is innocent or guilty we have to find that out through the due process of law.”

    There’s a term for the kind of State where rights and due process are suspended in order to make the Police’s job easier.

  2. Robert says:

    I’m guessing that Andy and Ron would be pretty selective in their support for Big Brother surveillance. OK to spy on people bitterly clinging to guns and religion; spying on gentle pot farmers, not so much.

  3. TS says:

    About a year ago I hammered Baldr pretty hard when he was trying to violate patient/doctor privilege in the name of gun control. He even ended up conceding the argument to me- though I am sure he never changed his mind as a result. The bottom line is these protections are there to help doctors treat patients by encouraging open and honest dialog between them. There are major negative repercussions (and well outside of the realm of gun control) by allowing government to pry their way in between.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Nothing will change that dude’s mind. He’s a true believer and a member of the cult. There are no rights or privacy that he wouldn’t trample if it meant hurting lawful gun owners.

  4. Pyrotek85 says:

    I’m not too into conspiracies either but I wouldn’t think it far fetched if he were trying to establish an insanity defense beforehand, as he did do a bit of planning for the other aspects of the crime. It clearly wasn’t spur of the moment.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Could be, tho allegedly this psychiatrist specializes in schizophrenia. The Wife’s uncle unfortunately has it, and I asked when it started manifesting itself, and it was a bit eerie. He had gotten into a very famous college and graduated with high honors….then in his early 20s it started showing up and he descended into a non-functional life.

      Really sad, but a common tale. That does appear to be the simplest solution to this story.

      But we won’t know until the trial, I don’t think.

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