Anti-Freedom, Not Anti-Gun

Where they ban guns they tend to frown on other freedoms:

Police and prosecutors in the UK are accused of being “incredibly heavy-handed” when dealing with online trolls and abusive messages.

It follows several cases where young people have been arrested, fined or jailed after posting insulting comments on their Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Campaign groups and experts from Oxford University say the punishments are heavier than in other countries.

But police insist if a law is broken they will take action.

Of course its essentially illegal to own a firearm in the UK, also if police think you look “Suspicious” (which from all the studies I’ve read, it means “black”) they can detain and search you without cause.

Oh yeah, and you can go to prison for simply carrying a pocket knife.

Anti-Freedom, not Anti-gun! And this is where the gun banners want us to go! (BTW I wonder if I could jail some of the bloggers who have said rude and insulting things about me on the internet….one in particular happens to be a British Subject….)

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0 Responses to Anti-Freedom, Not Anti-Gun

  1. JDRush says:

    They figure, what the hell, we took away their guns, what are the gonna do? Plus that little word, “subject,” really says it all.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Yeah, it’s Tempting to get such a Law over here, but you’re correct. Knowing this Administration, the First to Go would probably be EVERY Pro-Gun Blogger, ALL the Pro-Gun Companies Websites, Facebook Accounts, Twitter Feeds, etc. And let’s not forget the NRA, the SAF, the NSSF, etc.

    And they’d probably put Joan Peterson in charge of it!

    • Archer says:

      No, they wouldn’t put Joan in charge. She’s way too level-headed.

      (Stop snickering and let me finish.)

      They’d tap Ladd Everitt for this one. He’d actually have the authority to recommend charges be brought against everyone on his “Insurrectionist Timeline,” which is more like the FBI Terror Watch list – most people are on there for talking about freedom (read: disagreeing with CSGV) and there’s no way to get off. Plus, didn’t he recently post that the NRA should be charged with treason? 4,000,000+ political enemies suddenly arrested and gone.

      Yeah, if they want to silence their opposition, Joan is far too sane (and that’s saying something!).

  3. Archer says:

    “But police insist if a law is broken they will take action.”

    Unless you act to stop it from happening, in which case the perpetrator will go free and YOU will be charged with a crime. You don’t have the right to go about your “business” without being hassled, but the criminal does.

    With that track record, I’d say the law is well and surely broken. I’ll just sit back and wait for the police to take action.


  4. Bob S. says:

    I linked to a report of “police action” in London during the Olympics — the police arrested and detained a man for hours because he didn’t look like he was ‘enjoying himself’ while watching a bike race.

    That’s right — just because they thought he was unhappy.
    Turns out he has Parkinson’s Disease and his expression showed the pain he was in.

    Now, tell me again how much you want America to be like Great Britain? Because if you do, we know you don’t want people to have liberty.

  5. Old NFO says:

    And it’s coming HERE if they get the chance… Just sayin…

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