Anti-Rights Fanatics

This story is being shilled by the antis right now.

udden shotgun blasts recently shattered the quiet of the homes that line West Crooked Lake in Eustis.

Boom! Boom! Madelaine Lock was visiting with her neighbor, and together they ran toward the lake. Boom! Doors flew open, and residents streamed outside. Five of them dialed 911 to summon police.

They needn’t have bothered…..During last year’s session, state lawmakers passed a fiasco of a series of gun bills, one of which prevents any local government from enacting rules about guns that are more strict than state laws. It provided for fines up to $5 million for doing so.

Not really, the restrictions were illegal before the law was passed, just the people had no way to rectify fines and penalties against illegally passed laws.

And of course the anti-rights people are upset because the sportsmen are spoiling THEIR good time…no concern for spoiling the hunter’s good time. Obviously they’re worth more! Still the kicker was this:

“It is OK to hunt ducks on a lake surrounded by residential homes, but it is against the law for these same residents to use fireworks?” asked Eustis police Chief Fred Cobb, whose officers were powerless to restore peace to the West Crooked Lake neighborhood. “If the Legislature is concerned about public safety, I don’t understand their logic.”

Have you maybe considered that fireworks aren’t that dangerous either, and maybe that law is also bullshit?

When in doubt, there can ALWAYS be less freedom with these people!

**UPDATE**Some Good Info from Countertop here. Looks like the anti wasn’t painting a very honest picture. Surprise Surprise!

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0 Responses to Anti-Rights Fanatics

  1. Greg Camp says:

    I’m going to paint with broad strokes here, but when city people leave the big city because it’s dirty, crowded, and dangerous, they should be careful not to turn the countryside into what they left behind.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      There are tons of places throughout America where such crap happens.

      One of the greatest examples is Vermont. A farming state made from hard-working New Englanders, replaced by Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut trust-funders who didn’t need to work so chose to live someplace really pretty.

      And then they started passing feel-good laws that attracted professional welfare seekers.

      It tips DAMN quick if they let it happen. Looks like New Hampshire is fighting the good fight from the Massholes fleeing taxes, and then looking to raise taxes again…

      • Greg Camp says:

        In my neighborhood in North Carolina where I grew up, we had someone move in from out of state and then whine about how our area wasn’t like the wonderful place that he had moved from. The universal feeling, even though we were too polite to say it, was, why don’t you go back?

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Yeah they don’t call Cary NC “Containment Area For Re-Located Yankees”, the wife and I strongly considered fleeing Mass to there. Also when I visit NC and simply choose not to bring my carry piece because of the critical mass areas of “Gun Free Zones” in the Triangle area, I understand that its not much better than Mass.

          Of course NC is getting better, while Mass is getting worse, so the difference is HUGE, but it got that way because of urban Yankees importing their yankee ways.

  2. Erin Palette says:

    Because running FROM the safety of one’s home TOWARDS gunfire is SUCH a good idea.

  3. Linoge says:

    We technically live inside of city limits, but within a very short distance of that city’s borders, and the valley behind us is peppered with gun fire almost every single weekend (less so now that it is cold enough for the metal of a bolt/slide to cryo-weld to the frame, but that is a separate problem). It surprised us at first, but now it has just turned into a game of “I wonder what caliber that was?” It really is not that big of a deal, and we hardly even notice any more (except when they pull out what appears to be a blackpowder cannon/mortar).

    As usual, though, it seems “authorized journalists” (a) cannot be honest if their jobs depend on it (which they obviously do not), and (2) cannot help but to overhype a situation so long as they know it will increase sales/circulation. They really could be replaced with a very small shell script.

  4. ZerCool says:

    One of the few places that NY gun laws are actually pretty nice is in the realm of waterfowling. Specifically, if you are afloat – on a boat or dock or whatever – there is NO minimum distance requirement as long as you are shooting over water.

    There are calls about it every year, and the standard answer is “sorry it’s disturbing you, but they are completely within their rights to hunt there.”

  5. Ken O says:

    i wonder if Mr. PSH quoted about the fireworks has any idea of the extremely limited effective range of a fowling piece or ever bothered to remove his head from his ass king enough to consider that fireworks are not banned because they “go boom” but because of the fire risk. I love living right off the bay, it’s a sportsman’s dream; every day that I sleep in I am awakened by the sound of outboards or duck hunters. I have really great dreams when I go back to sleep.

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