Coddling Criminals

Crap like this makes my blood boil.

Con receives disability for PTSD after serving time:

A convicted Bay State killer convinced the Feds that his 15 years behind bars were so stressful that it gave him PTSD, clearing the way for him to collect a $700-a-month taxpayer-funded disability handout.

Lester Young, convicted for shooting a Dorchester man during a 1994 robbery, realized his big house stint made him a nervous wreck after he was paroled in 2009 and had to face an automatic bathroom sink.

First up he was convicted of murdering somebody during an armed robbery and he’s FREE! I know a few felons, I know people who were drug addicts and/or drug dealers, I know people who have spent time in Jail. I don’t know ANYBODY who’s MURDERED another person. I’m not a huge fan of those other serious crimes, but Murder is a bridge too far. Also I’ll point out that it is VERY easy not to murder people…I DO IT EVERY DAY! Somebody who goes that step to murder really isn’t the type of person who should be off a leash EVER.

But to add to that this monster got out, and got a bullshit diagnosis for PTSD BECAUSE of prison, and was taking money from the public coffers.

Yeah, get that, MURDER somebody, and they PAY you for it, meanwhile start a company and employ people, work a productive job, help people, make products, make the world a better place and they TAKE YOUR MONEY TO GIVE TO MONSTERS WHO ACTIVELY MADE THE WORLD WORSE!!!!

Oh and note that this came up on the violation of his parole. He did his time, and still can’t act right. Having trouble adjusting to society? Simple DEATH PENALTY! We’ll put you down painlessly and with dignity.

There are Millions of people who can behave themselves in the very broad sense of not committing crimes that are associated capital punishment and life sentences. Why do we need to cause so much trouble and turmoil for the rejects who can’t meet that VERY low bar.

Seriously, I’m not saying you have to obey the speed limit, stay off drugs, or even not punch people in the face because you’re a total asshole, I’m talking about people who do predatory fraud of people’s life saving, people who murder, people who rape, people who torture.

That’s a VERY low bar, and if you’re reading this, you’ve never even gotten CLOSE to this bar in your darkest hour.

Those who are so deviant they can’t stay above this abyssal limit are really beyond rehabilitation, and probably had multiple warnings before they crosses the line. Let’s not waste any more time or trouble on them, that’s for people who are GOOD.

But no, there’s this bullshit.

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed a bill into law Wednesday that abolishes the death penalty, making his state the 17th in the nation to abandon capital punishment and the fifth in five years to usher in a repeal.

The law is effective immediately, though prospective in nature, meaning that it would not apply to those already sentenced to death. It replaces the death penalty with life in prison without the possibility of release as the state’s highest form of punishment.

I believe the last death sentence to be issued (but not yet performed) in the state are these feral beasts.

Probably this moonbat criminal coddler will do his best to make sure these monsters die of old age before they ever feel the needle (because somehow moonbats think letting a human being rot in a cage is “More Humane” than a quick painless death….but then again they’re leeching off the public coffers, and is there ANYTHING moonbats like more than watching Tax Dollars getting flushed?), still think about this: Governor Malloy thinks the next set of monsters who rape and burn to death a household full of women and children, they deserve BETTER.

These despicable politicians and “Progressive” Degenerates care more about the worst monsters our society can churn out than the best….and they think they mandate (at the point of the gun) that the best in society should pay for the pleasure of the worst.

This is why I fight against “Progressives”, we have no common ground, and we have NOTHING to agree on.

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0 Responses to Coddling Criminals

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Look, when Social Security said that Alcoholics, Druggies and Fat Bastards could get benefits because they are “Handicapped,” I knew the System was just another Welfare Scam that the Politicians used to get Votes.

  2. Roadkill says:

    Why should scum ever be anything other than scum? When a woman on disability for Bipolar can get a free ride for lapband cosmetic surgery and then clean up plastic surgery while everyone else has to have hard times shelling out for critical surgeries! I’m sick of this graft! Those leeching the system are criminals and they know exactly what they’re doing.

  3. Pingback: Manufactured Problems | Weer'd World

  4. Pingback: Prison PTSD. Really? | Gilly In The Pines

  5. Greg Camp says:

    There are plenty of people struggling just to make an honest living, and this scum is sucking the life out of our country. Soldiers coming home from a war have a good claim to PTSD. Children who grow up in abusive homes have a good claim. This thug is learning what consequences are. Of course, Spike Lee won’t be putting his supposed address on Twitter, but putting a scarlet M on his forehead and removing a few parts that we don’t want him to have on the other end is in order.

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