Comment of the Day

Gotta love the bleeding hearts of the “Progressives”

See, This is where it gets interesting. When someone who actually knows the person you ‘attack’ comes in and tells you – you’re an idiot.

Do you know Cody? Do you know how he grew up? Do you know how much effect, growing up as someone does changes every single tiny aspect of their life?

Do You know a SINGLE living human being who has NEVER committed a SINGLE wrong, regrettable act in their life? No.. And if you say ‘yes’’re a liar…Go drown yourself in the dirt.

You know NOTHING of this Boy. NOTHING. Other than the things posted/said/etc. by people who make a living ‘pretending’ to know ‘what’ a person is; and then writing about it.

You are no better than his criminal actions – slamming him down.

Just think.. You could have planted a tree, to help make this world a better place for everyone, and our future. – But you chose to go after someone you don’t even know – over a crime he committed. He is as AMAZING a …sorry.. He is INFINITELY MORE amazing, kind, caring, loving, than people like this.

You. Are. Scum.

WOW! So first up, because maybe I know people who smoke a little pot illegally, or don’t claim a small side job on their income taxes, or don’t obey the posted speed limits, I should forgive a 19 year old punk to broke into a gun shop.

And because I don’t know that he’s such a good boy, that makes a difference too.

Hey, but I could have just planted a tree! (WTF??) Hey Nick, if you indeed know Cody, tell HIM to go plant a tree rather than steal other people’s stuff!

Hey, but what do I know? I’m an idiot! LOL!

Still another fallacy of “Progressives”, that somehow a person’s character (especially when the character witness has no character, or class themselves) is relevant to the law when it comes to egregious crimes like this. This is why they’re always A) Demanding new dumb and redundant laws, and B) Asking us NOT to enforce the laws on the books because “He’s such a good boy!”

I’m sure Nick is up to all sorts of good things too. Maybe he can find some comfort in prison as well!

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2 Responses to Comment of the Day

  1. Pyrotek85 says:

    Alright maybe it’s too early or I’m just being dense, but what’s his point? What does it matter what kind of person he is if he did indeed commit those crimes? Past good deeds don’t outweigh bad ones, you can’t save up points or something to get away with crimes.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Two Points. A) This Idiot believes in the Stupidity of “To Know All is to Forgive All,” or as I like to say, the Rabid Dog Principle. Imagine one’s Kids are playing in the Back Yard, and there’s a whole bunch of other kids playing around the neighborhood. Suddenly, here comes a Rabid Dog, heading straight for them. Now, being a Man of SCIENCE, you know what Rabies is, you know that the Dog doesn’t want to be infected, and it would be extremely Dangerous to try and capture it. You actually feel sorry for the poor Pup. But you have only 3 Choices. 1) You are so sympathetic to the plight of the beastie that all you do is watch it attack the kids, saying it’s not its Fault. 2) You grab you kids, run inside, call 911, and hope they get there in the next 10 minutes and the dog doesn’t go after the rest of the neighborhood. 3) You grab a Firearm, go out to the dog and put it out of its misery. This Idiot thinks #1 should be the Law of the Land.

    Point 2. Due to the FACT that there are more and more CHP Holders out there, AND more and more “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” Laws are out there, all of a sudden, all those Poor Inner City Youths who have suffered Generations of Abuse at the Hands of the Evil Vast Right Wing Conspiracy are getting blown away because they think they can get away with Murder, because they are only 16. And enough people are Fighting Back against the Goblins that, all of a sudden, the “Free Cheese” that’s in a Home in the ‘Burbs that they think is “Rightfully Theirs” and the “Get Out of Jail Free Cards” are under assault. Now, that can’t be allowed to happen. Only the State is Allowed to Dispense Justice, and when We the People start to bypass the System, then, why does one need a Political Hack to keep the whole mess running? Can’t allow certain Political Classes to have to “Face the Music,” right? That means LOST Votes, and the end of Free Cheese, and Crony Jobs and no more Cash for “Programs,” etc.

    Think I’m a little extreme? Go look up “”, and get back to me later.

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