“Common Sense”

The Joan Peterson Kind:

They lie, and they wring their hands. Penn speaks the truth and injects reality, and they look SHOCKED!

These people are so up in the ivory tower, they think they know everything about reality they’ve never seen?

h/t Sean

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9 Responses to “Common Sense”

  1. Eck! says:

    One of the recurring themes was to blame someone or somethign and every time Penn
    debunked it they would move to something else to blame.

    They never said anything useful, and they never suggested responsibility was lacking
    in the person. They wanted to find a reason outside that person as evil was caused
    and no inherent.

    The most annoying line was the one on the right about machine guns and the ease of
    making one. That was already evidence of bias and beyond reason.


    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’ve had more than a few debates where this was a tactic. I kept saying “We can talk about that later, let’s first finish with this issue!”

      If they hit everything but the kitchen sink, it makes them feel less uncomfortable about how little they know about anything.

  2. Dave says:

    Right around the 10:06-8 mark, the mask almost slips.

    Sue Simmons is responding to Penn Gillette’s comment about the media needing to leave Newtown and says “I’d say for the first couple of days there needed to be news coverage because it’s a te-horrific story”.

    She almost said the truth, right there. Exactly what the media’s looking for – a “Terrific/Horrific” news story.

    That’s all they want. Dead children are merely empathy props for them.

  3. George says:

    I got to 6:01 before I had to turn off in disgust. Penn is calm, reasonable, and rational. Strawman after strawman gets torn down. He debunks each point, the chattering jackals switch to a new topic, and the audience claps like idiot monkeys. You made my brain hurt, Weerd.

  4. DS says:

    It looks like Penn was trying to have a discussion, and the rest of them were trying to have a TV show. And it’s kind of disgusting how quick their applause points were. They were just saying what they thought the audience wanted to hear, trying to get in as much applause before commercial.

  5. I was actually kinda disappointed with Penn there.

    I expected “It wasn’t an assault rifle” and/or “It wasn’t an assault weapon, Connecticut already has an assault weapon ban”.

    But really, the common thing I am seeing in all of these shows is that they won’t let the adult talk and just keep talking over him and repeating the same thing over and over when he tries to debunk it.

    I don’t watch any “news” shows, so I don’t know if they are this stupid with other things or if it is only the gun issue where they are so afraid to hear the other side.

  6. Ted N says:

    Man, there wasn’t any bias there at all.

    Why’d the mom have an AR? Because she fuckin’ felt like it, you statist twit.

    Ah, yes, Time put together a list. Huh.

    Had a great big attack in Norway. Doesn’t count though, she said Sweden.

    Holy crap, these women…

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