Dog Gone Accidently Gets It.

Dog Gone is a useful idiot and a full-time plagiarist. But it seems she accidentally made a valid point.

A question – wasn’t it ILLEGAL to be firing guns where this celebratory gun play that resulted in injuries or deaths occurred?

If so, why aren’t the police charging the celebratory shooters?

I can’t imagine the point of shooting guns in celebration, rather than at a specific target. Whatever happened to the rules of safety, like knowing where your bullet is going?

I’m sure it was an accident, and she’ll quickly return to her regularly scheduled re-printing of other people’s work, and Joyce-funded idiocy.

A stopped watch is right twice a day, and anti-rights cultist is right maybe 2-3 times per year.

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0 Responses to Dog Gone Accidently Gets It.

  1. Greg Camp says:

    But Dog Gone is now subject to being called a racist or a culturist, since celebratory gun fire is a practice of some cultures around the world and here at home. What makes our white gun rules valid for everyone? Is she saying that we know better?

  2. RuffRidr says:

    I wonder where she copy-and-pasted that opinion from? It is likely that someone else deserves the credit for her accidental point.

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