Flaw or Feature

You gotta wonder if this will backfire.

Maine Republicans have created a webpage revealing that Democrat candidate Colleen Lachowicz plays an orc rogue in World of Warcraft (WoW).

Ms Lachowicz’s liking for back-stabbing and poison in WoW raise questions about her “fitness for office”, they claim.

Ms Lachowicz has hit back saying the attack showed the Republicans were “out of touch”.

I WOW is one of the most popular games out there today. There are lots of hobbies that politicians brag about, the biggest is hunting. They want to align themselves with the everyman. How much more mainstream do you get than playing WOW? Also this is obviously not a political stunt like John Kerry’s ill-fated goose hunt . Kerry dressed in some shiny-new hunting dudes and went out for a walk in a swamp, and made sure cameras were rolling. An Orc Rogue is hardly the class some political schemer would come up with.


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16 Responses to Flaw or Feature

  1. Snowdog says:

    ok, maybe they have a point- I mean she’s an Assassination rogue, everyone knows Subtlety is the best spec. If we’re going to have people representing gamers in office, they should be capable of doing maximum DPS.

    Of course, they probably would have really soiled their underoos if she had been playing say a Forsaken Warlock…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Also rogues are generally known wimps when it comes to toe-to-toe fighting. Meaning they often avoid direct combat for more assured victories, and incremental attacks.

      Sounds like good political sense to me! 🙂

  2. Bob S. says:

    There is a lot of talk about how Gun Culture 1.0 needs to learn how to talk to Gun Culture 2.0 — guess this just goes to show that every 1.0 group needs to do some learning.

    If you want to hit someone for playing WoW — tell people she is only a Level X after playing for Y years.

    Scorn for ineffectiveness is better.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I dunno, I don’t MMO, but when I do get into a game it takes me AGES longer than most, because I have a job and other hobbies…and I like to sleep.

      Maybe expose her as a Gold Farmer!

  3. Greg Camp says:

    The problem is that the Republican party is a coalition of social conservatives, economic conservatives, and libertarians. Those three don’t get along on many issues. My view is that, O.K., so she plays a game. What’s her positions on taxes, guns, jobs, etc?

  4. Rob Crawford says:

    The problem is she couldn’t keep her real-world hatred from leaking over into the virtual world. If she had stuck to trash-talking elves, no one would give a rip.

  5. Pyrotek85 says:

    I can’t believe those idiots are attacking her for playing WoW. Isn’t the median age for gamers in the 30’s now? Good job alienating the populace. I bet these are the same people who would throw a fit over games containing violence or mature elements because ‘games are for kids’.

  6. Phssthpok says:

    I recall an article sever years ago detailing how many of the most effective/successful executives in many top companies were pen-n-paper gamer geeks in the 70’s and 80’s. The nature of games they played honed critical thinking, planning, strategy, management, interpersonal relations, and teamwork skills.

    WOW (and other MMO type games) are just the technological extension of the old P-N-P games, and they differ greatly from the typical run-n-gun games that are more common on the console platforms.

  7. D2k says:

    I saw an article on this a few days ago, this was done by a PAC, her actual opponent called it misguided mudslinging. I bet he is pretty pissed that the group that is supposed to be helping him is screwing him over so badly.
    Also people were terribly unimpressed with her build and gear, I’ve never played WoW so I don’t know the specifics.

    On an MMO note though, PlanetSide 2 is fantastic, massive combined arms battles across two huge maps.

  8. TS says:

    She probably watches TV too. Fictional depictions of grown adults pretending to be someone else filled with sexual and violent content. Live in the real world!

  9. Bubblehead Les says:

    Betcha her Opponent does FPS.

  10. Wally says:

    I refuse to vote for anyone who isn’t @.

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