Florida Seeking to End Voter Fraud

Good to read this:

A judge on Wednesday rejected a request by federal authorities to block Florida’s contentious move to remove potentially ineligible voters from its rolls.

The decision could prompt some counties to revive efforts to identify registered voters who are not U.S. citizens. Many counties had suspended the effort after hearing about conflicting legal opinions.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled there was nothing in federal voting laws that prevent the state from identifying ineligible voters even if it is close to the upcoming Aug. 14 election.

That’s good news to hear when all I hear is this bullshit.

BOSTON (State House News Service) – Arguing enhanced efforts to ensure the identity of voters could disenfranchise some people, House Democrats on Thursday agreed to a further study of the issue, disappointing Republican lawmakers who believe their proposal will root out voter fraud…Opponents of requiring voters to show identification argued it is a way to disenfranchise lower-income, minority voters who might not be able to show identification easily. They argued there is no need for identification because there have not been any cases of voter fraud in the state that would require changes.

Well there wouldn’t be any charges because the illegal voters are voting for Democrats that control this state. Duhh! I mean this is the exact crap that ACORN was doing…and you know what side they pull for.

Of course here I need to flash my ID constantly from anything from buying a beer to buying a box of ammo. But its illegal to for me to identify myself positivity at my polling place. That’s bullshit!

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0 Responses to Florida Seeking to End Voter Fraud

  1. AZRon says:

    I think we’re headed for several states having their own “hanging chad” disputes come November.

  2. Cargosquid says:

    Remember, its not fraud if the Democrats win.

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