Good For Them!

I love hearing stories like this.

Detroit is known for cars, Los Angeles for its stars, now small towns in Idaho are trying to become gun towns. But it’s not exactly a return to the Wild West: The goal is to get people working again.

“It’s gonna create some jobs,” says David Brown, mayor of Potlatch, Idaho. “We can stay here, our kids can stay here and live and work.”

Potlatch, in western Idaho, for generations was a mill town. In 1906, it boasted the world’s largest pine saw mill. Its lumber built cities all over the United States. But in 1981, with its mill obsolete, Potlatch Lumber Inc. closed the mill and, with it, the town’s identity.

PNW Arms, a high-tech ammunition company based in Seattle, was recently looking for a new home. Tired of the long drives to the shooting range to test their products and the laundry list of government regulations on weapons makers, PNW Arms settled on Potlatch….About 58 companies that make either guns or ammunition are currently based in Idaho, and government officials throughout the state are targeting more. The Commerce Department calls it ‘Rec-Tech’. The state legislature is gun-friendly, passing a law that shields weapons makers from liability when their products are involved in tragedies. The goal is to poach gun makers from states where the industry is heavily regulated.

There are a TON of big gun companies in shitty states that really take their jobs and revenue for granted. I hope a bunch of them listen. Not only will it give the market cheaper, better guns, but while the pointy-heads in “Progressive” states will still hate guns….but the people who drive by the abandoned factories, and are out of work might figure it out.

So good for them!

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0 Responses to Good For Them!

  1. bluesun says:


  2. Wally says:

    When I did my last move across state lines, I had nothing to lose and just took a leap.

    Now that the time is coming again, there are a whole lot of aspects that I am scrutinizing. Business climate is an unbelievably huge aspect of that.

  3. Tango says:

    Wally, we’ll still welcome you in Utah, too! Idaho is still a great state, though. I love visiting there and driving the northern half of the state.

    • Wally says:

      Not sure about ID, but I had a nice invite from WY earlier in the week. Now try that with temps in the 80s and I’m gone baby gone !

      • Weerd Beard says:

        Wyoming seems AWFUL nice. Constitutional Carry, agreeable climate (but still four seasons), mountains, and no Income tax. Its also one of the big Libertarian states out there, right up there with Alaska and New Hampshire.

        It is the location of my fictitious emu farm.

        Be a shame for you to flee so far, but I don’t blame you!

  4. WallPhone says:

    > The goal is to poach gun makers from states where the industry is heavily regulated.

    Oddly, when a state or locality does this to any other industry, they use the “attract” verb.

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