Good Luck With That!

CSGV is talking about Dick Luger’s loss on their twitter.

Too bad “Grassroots” and Votes require people that support your cause. Over at Joan Peterson’s Blog:

Yep you’re seeing that right, Joan is so desperate for “Support” that she read and approved a spam bot for “Nutrition Ebooks”. I’ve actually seen this on most of the anti-gun blogs.

Now here you’ll occasionally see a spam bot get past the filters I’ve set up, I don’t think any of the stuck around for long as I read all the comments here, but they sometimes see the light of day because I don’t moderate my comments. Anti-gun blogs have all comments secreted away, and only approve the ones they think best suit their agenda. People who support their agenda are in such short order the simple compliments left by spammers are music to their blighted ears!

They’re so disliked, the spambots are their only friends!

Would be sad if they didn’t deserve it!

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0 Responses to Good Luck With That!

  1. Jack says:

    So in their example of politicians responding to grassroots and pressure they show a Senator-for-life with an NRA F rating being kicked out of office.

    Do they realize that no matter who wins in Nov, it’ll be a guy with an NRA A rating?

    If the antis define loosing one of the senior most anti-gun politicians in the Senate, and a Republican to boot as a victory…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Even worse. The guy sitting in the oval office was once on the board of directors of the Joyce Foundation (which is of course the group that keeps a roof over Joan Peterson and the CSGV troll’s heads) and for all I can see the only “Anti-Gun” thing he’s managed to do is greenlight Fast-and-Furious (which was an AWB endzone run, but besides a few speeches, and the very tenuous long-gun reporting law, that was as far as it went) and that he’s been stonewalling South Korea about them giving us back some M1 Carbines they’re done using.

      No, Barry isn’t going to be giving a keynote speech at the NRA convention (Tho Mitt “Assault Weapons Ban” Romney sure did!) but for one of the Joyce Powerbrokers, President Obama shows how much grassroots are growing beneath the Gun Culture 2.0 Cause.

  2. Bob S. says:

    I think Joan’s approval of the spam comment show her lack of discernment.

    Nearly all adults are capable of rational thought and discrimination regarding what is or isn’t spam. That Joan approved what is clearly spam, shows she is either unable (likely) or unwilling (probably) to do so…possibly she is unwilling and unable.

    I don’t discount her raw intelligence, just her ability to apply it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I don’t think she has much raw intelligence. Her whole pick-and-choose way of running her comment section just strikes me of how baffled and unstable she is.

      Now she’s mostly not admitting comments, but then there will be a 20 comment thread where she probably deleted 80 rebuttals for reasons only known to her.

      I mean Kilgore is obviously not a bright or stable guy, but at least he had a system. He used to approve all comments except for the occasional one that called him on the carpet too much, or was too confrontational. He also stopped publishing my comments wholesale when I banned him from my blog for bad behavior. even that makes sense, my site, his site. I get that. Then he just dumped comments.

      Same with Jack Dunning. A man of little wit, who first had an open comment section, now he’s changed policy to ONLY publish comments that praise him (he now only gets a few comments a month, mostly from Kilgore and Peterson who promote him).

      Brady Campaign, and all the various Joyce shells (with exception to blogs run by Cathie Whittenburg AKA “Ohh Shoot”, who generally have open comments, but no readership, so what’s the difference) have no comments, and don’t even allow their youtube videos to be rated. That makes sense.

      Joan on the other hand just looks like she has no idea what she’s doing….but doesn’t have the sense to learn or quit.

      So yeah, I don’t think she’s even remotely a smart person. Even the most out-of-touch g33k, or people with severe Aspergers Syndrome people who are smart, but might have some difficulty showing it off have their shit together vastly more than she does.

      I think Joan is likely a dried up boomer who was pushed by her Joyce and Brady superiors to start a blog because they know she’ll hide behind her dead sister if things get ugly.

  3. thirdpower says:

    I’ve been making fun of the lone supporter on the remnants of the NG(V)AC’s FB page. His repeated meme is the NRA is a ‘fringe group’ w/ “only’ 4.5m members but whose only response to questions as to why anti groups have to be supported by the Joyces is ‘polls show…’. That was even Ladd’s response when I put up photos of the 7k people at IGOLD. Fineman STILL believes the Starbuck’s boycott is working.

    Simply put, they deny reality to the point where it’s a mental condition.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I know he’s a despicable bastard attempting to blame good people across the nation for his son’s death, and take freedom away from people because he’s so arrogant that he thinks he knows better than countless people who are vastly smarter than he is.

      But every time he chimes in with some NGVAC “Success” story I just feel sad. There’s no way he’s SO mentally ill that he can’t see the writing on the wall….but he just hangs his ass out for all to see.

      He’s a bad person, but even I have limits.

  4. Greg Camp says:

    You’d think that a guy with a name like Lugar would be a gun-rights supporter. I enjoy hiking out into deep woods and sleeping on the ground, after all. . .

    Mikeb302000 got a spam comment, and we pointed it out to him. His response? I’ll take any support I can get. Yup, we’re winning.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Him and Bannerman the Dog have been thanking spambots for thier support for years!

      The voices in their heads have been their only friends for years, and even the voices are bored with their stupidity!

  5. Cargosquid says:

    I actually don’t think that Joan is not publishing comments any less than before. I think that after the “candle” thing, she lost it, got very boring, and commenters have stopped going there.

    You can repeat the same story over and over and over and over for just so long before people realize that you’re mentally challenged in some way.

    I know that I stopped going over there once the comments dried up. THEY were the interesting part of her blog.

    • Cargosquid says:

      I actually don’t think that Joan is not publishing comments any less than before.

      I just read that sentence again…. I need more coffee badly 😉

      Ya’ll know what I mean.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I will admit I can’t remember the last blog post of hers I really read. I skim every one, but man I can’t even make heads or tails out of most of them.

      Still, seeing lots of posts with single-digit comments, then suddenly one with high double-digits, and the comments are all by the same stalwart debaters that have been with her since the “Great Gun Quiz”, I just think she saw was Kilgore did (The two of them co-blog the “Kid Shooting” blog) and actually heeded some of his advise.

      Still if my Candlelight vigil had a small part in this, that would make me smile. I’m just not really buying it. I think Joanie just wakes up in the morning and just funnels all pending comments into the trash, unless she sees “Laci” or “Baldr” in there. And occasionally she gets bored and reads them, and goes back to her old tricks.

      • Pyrotek85 says:

        Yeah I used to skim her ‘writing’ and head to the comments.

        It gets bothersome when you’re trying to make a point however and she tells you to go to bed lol, what is she my mother? She used to be good for some laughs but it’s gotten old.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Yeah, used to be she’d string an argument together well enough for me to tear apart in an interesting way. Now her posts have the consistency of a wet piece of bread.

          Yeah and her arrogant dismissals are just her magical way to get the “last word”. She’s also famous for demanding proof from a person making a rebuttal, and then deleting any citations given.

      • Greg Camp says:

        She lets Dog Gone comment, too. As long as you sing Joan’s song, you can sing as loud as you want. Of course, if she wanted to come to my site and debate me, she’d be welcome. Challenged, but welcome.

        • Archer says:

          But she won’t, because if there’s one consistent thing about her, it’s that she can’t stand people fighting back.

          Not with weapons.

          Not with words.

          Not with glares or blank looks.

          Having the audacity to not roll over and willingly take whatever sh!t she’s shoveling deeply offends her; she’d prefer us bound and gagged, in addition to disarmed, so that she can rule the Internet unchallenged.

  6. Linoge says:

    If the anti-rights cultists had grassroots support, they would not be losing their legal and legislative battles across the country.

    Given that they are, one has to come to a somewhat inescapable conclusion… at least, assuming one is not as batsh*t insane as most of the aforementioned cultists.

  7. Critter says:

    Headline: “Lugar Misfires”.

    I crack myself up.

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