“Gun Death” Another One-Punch

Its REALLY scary that these are so common!

Steven Gleason said he still doesn’t know what provoked the attack that killed his younger brother in a St. Cloud alley, even after sitting Tuesday in a Stearns County courtroom where a teenager was formally accused of killing Colton Gleason, 20.

A juvenile petition filed in Stearns County District Court alleges that 17-year-old Jesse J. Smithers punched Colton Gleason of Greenfield on Thursday, causing him to hit his head on the ground.

Smithers is accused of second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter and first-degree assault.

Smithers remains jailed while the county attorney’s office seeks to have him certified to be prosecuted as an adult.

Now these attacks are so deadly because they are completely random. Somebody attempts to punch out an unaware stranger it can VERY easily turn deadly, as the victim has no time to react or defend themselves.

Still I must think about the deadly force angle. A person was MURDERED with a single punch. The person who threw the punch shows motive, opportunity, and ill-will. SHOOT THE BASTARD! Not only can you not trust these monsters while they’re still standing, this is most likely a gang initiation, and when a few of the plebes get sent to the morgue maybe they will stick to killing each other rather than “civilians”.

Be safe out there!

h/t Maddmedic

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One Response to “Gun Death” Another One-Punch

  1. Divemedic says:

    This is why I don;t buy into the “take your beating like a man, you don’t need a gun” argument

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