“Gun Death” Brick

When talking about “Gun Death” to various anti-rights people I love to focus on the most mundane items that can easily be employed as a murder weapon. Pipes, wrenches, hammers, saws, kitchen knives, screwdrivers, rocks, branches, Building Meterials, and hands and feet. I point them out because you can ban guns, and you can ban various fighting knives, blackjacks, saps, and knuckle dusters, but you can’t ban that stuff because its what separates us from our cave dwelling ancestors. You can’t ban murder.

A 30-year-old Princeton Boulevard man is accused of beating his 61-year-old father to death with a brick…Chief Kevin Nietert said the parents had been sleeping when their son woke them asking for money to buy cigarettes. Brenda Diggs got up to get the money and Quentin Diggs started assaulting her, Nietert said.

Oliver Diggs told Quentin to stop and followed him downstairs and out the front door, where they began fighting. Oliver Diggs was struck a number of times in the head with a brick, Nietert said.

Classy family. No matter what the laws say, there is NOTHING that would prevent this. And because I have a sick sense of humor I’ll close with this:

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Brick

  1. Greg Camp says:

    For a funny view of just how dangerous bricks are, have a look here:


    The Mythbusters did a show about that story, too. We should all be required by law to live on the ground in houses made of tissue paper.

  2. Tio Volatito says:

    Good grief. When is this going to end? “Unfortunately, the suspect has a history of mental illness and substance abuse…” The brick makers keep marketing them as a necessity for all. But can’t we make houses out of precast concrete walls that can’t be lifted by hand? And while I don’t want to ban bricks, we have to keep them out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. And there are so many people who have bricks or access to bricks who aren’t criminals — until they are. The results are tragic. Can’t we just have some common sense?

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