“Gun Death” Hiking

A Tragic Accident, but not a “Gun Death”!

A teenage girl died after falling down a 200ft canyon during a university hiking trip in Colorado.

Caitlin Kremp had broken off from her group to climb while watching the sunrise when she fell and her body was found by a search and rescue crew on Tuesday morning.

Odd how when a gun owner has an accident with a gun the antis quickly jump on the story and use it to restrict the “dangerous” habit of owning and carrying guns. They even have a blog run by a paid Joyce Foundation employee that aggregates stories, much like my “Gun Death?” Files aggregation.

Odd that they claim to care about human life, but don’t have any concern about this young woman’s tragic death. No calls to ban hiking, no restrictions of “long distance drops”, or restricting teens from hikes they feel are too dangerous.

Nah, they only care about “Gun Death”, and they could care less about this death.

h/t Bob

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Hiking

  1. Phssthpok says:

    Where are the calls from the Flat Earth Society for ‘common sense’ gravity control laws’?

    “We don’t want to ban ALL gravity…we just want a legislation to reduce it’s pull so innocent children don’t get hurt by random impacts, whether it be a (so-called) ‘accidental’ fall, or a ‘law abiding’ person dropping something. It’s just COMMON SENSE!

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