“Gun Death” Low-Capacity Axe

Axes are used just for murder! We need axes with “Sporting Purpose!”

Two 13-year-old Wisconsin boys are charged with using a hatchet and hammer to kill one boy’s great-grandmother while stealing jewelry and a car from her home.

Yeah we REALLY need to be focusing on “Gun Death”! Hatchets and hammers aren’t going anywhere, which makes the idea of disarming the lawful even more stupid!

and Maddmedic

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2 Responses to “Gun Death” Low-Capacity Axe

  1. Braden Lynch says:

    Wow, 13-year-olds!
    They are young enough that they actually could be choir boys.
    What messed up parent(s) would they have to be so callous and evil.
    Too bad capital punishment is not meted out to these little bastards.

    Fortunately, at least granny did not use a gun to stop them.
    That would have been just horrible! [end sarcasm]

  2. Roadkill says:

    Tomahawks would be assault axes. They’re meant more for anti-personal use than as a working tool. They’ll be the first to be banned for their evil features such as light weight and spikes.

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