“Gun Death” Not Worth Killing For…

Now those who use the metric of “Gun Death” most often also tell those of us who lawfully own and carry guns that “Your Things Aren’t Worth Killing For”. They have a point. I can buy a new TV. The cash in my Wallet has many brothers and sisters in the bank. I can even get a new car (tho my insurance sure better cover that shit!)

Still they ignore things like hate crime and sexual assault, where the desired thing is NOT replaceable. Also they ignore cases like this:

A man was charged late Wednesday in the fatal stabbing of another man in a fight over a bag of Cheetos on Tuesday night in downtown St. Louis, police say.

David L. Scott, 49, was charged today with second-degree murder and armed criminal action. Authorities say he argued with 42-year-old Roger Wilkes over the Cheetos and stabbed him once in the chest with a knife about 8:50 p.m. Tuesday in the 500 block of Washington Avenue.

Wilkes died later at a hospital.

Isn’t a bag of cheetos not worth killing for? Even a hobo can scare up a buck or two for another bag…maybe not right that moment, but the same goes for me if my TV or Wallet gets snatched. So why didn’t he listen to that advise?

Again some people are monsters, and their behavior can’t be viewed as rational. Somebody says they’ll harm me if I don’t hand over my wallet…they are simply saying they intend to harm me. The wallet or other items are irrelevant in that negotiation, as they have showed motive and opportunity to do harm, no matter what goods are exchanged, that has not changed.

Of course in “Gun Death” paradise, it means the good person will be defenseless, and probably soon bleeding out.

This is what they want for us!

h/t Bob

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2 Responses to “Gun Death” Not Worth Killing For…

  1. Jack says:

    Quick! Somebody better tell all those muggers and home invasion burglars that stuff isn’t worth killing over!

    Their whole business model is extorting property via the threat of violence.

    But no, the Antis are only against force in defense of such attacks. Their advice is, to disarm, to not fight back, to comply with the criminal, to make the job of a person willing to hurt, violate, or kill you if that means getting your stuff *easier*.

    Pro Criminal!

  2. Jake says:

    Now those who use the metric of “Gun Death” most often also tell those of us who lawfully own and carry guns that “Your Things Aren’t Worth Killing For”. They have a point. I can buy a new TV. The cash in my Wallet has many brothers and sisters in the bank. I can even get a new car (tho my insurance sure better cover that shit!)

    All of which misses the real point (which I know you know, but it does need to be said): My stuff may not be worth killing over, but if I’m being robbed then that decision has been taken out of my hands – because the guy trying to rob me is telling me it is worth killing for, and I can’t know if he really means it or not until it’s too late. I also won’t know if he’s going to kill me even if I cooperate – something that happens often enough to be a real possibility.

    It’s not killing over “things”, it’s defending yourself against someone unjustifiably threatening to do you serious harm. Why they’re threatening you is entirely irrelevant.

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