“Gun Death” Shovel


An award-winning children’s book illustrator is recovering after an attack in her home by a shovel-wielding teenager.

Jane Dyer tells The Daily Hampshire Gazette the 14-year-old boy entered her home in rural Cummington on July 26 and struck her in the back of the head with the shovel.

He continued to beat her while she lay on the floor. He left and was arrested about a half hour later.

Why do we have so many shovels in America? You can’t dig with them! They have no purpose other than beating lots of people!

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Shovel

  1. Bill Baldwin says:

    and if the homeowner had shot him, the media would have his fourth grade pictures plastered on every news story and would be claiming how the Castle Doctrine is a licence to kill because, you know, teens aren’t capable of committing violent acts.

  2. Thankfully this kid was too dumb to use the sharp edge instead of the blunt edge on vital areas.

    You use the edge to strike the neck or limbs someone can easily bleed out prior to help arriving.

    I wish the home owner had shot the little bastard, it would have permanently removed that evil from the gene pool.

  3. Archer says:

    Shovels are a two-fer. They can be highly lethal, and they are the number one preferred tool for hiding victims’ bodies in the woods. They promote a dangerous level of independence; when you can clear your own street/driveway of snow and don’t have to rely on city/county services.

    They have no clearly defined “sporting purpose.” Inner-city people don’t need them, so they can’t be considered to be “in common use.”

    I fully expect MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Garden-tools) to publicly decry shovel ownership and demand full registration and confiscation in 3 … 2 … 1 ….


  4. TS says:

    You guys have it all wrong. Shovels are useful tools- no one is trying to take away your shovel.

    It is the spades- those assault spades are the real problem.

  5. Braden Lynch says:

    After the crickets stop chirping for Archer, I expect the media to show the sobbing mother and pastor of this 14 year old (yikes!) talking about how this choir boy was turning his life around. [eye roll]

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