“Gun Death” Strangling and Beheading

In India where they have very low “Gun Death”

Bollywood actress Meenakshi Thapar reportedly has been gruesomely killed by two of her co-stars in a failed attempt to extort money from her family.

26-year-old Thapar was strangled and then beheaded after allegedly being kidnapped by two aspiring actors that she worked with on her latest film “Heroine”.

Amit Jaiswal, 36, and his lover Preeti Surin, reportedly decided to kidnap Ms. Thapar after listening to her boast about her family’s wealth and status in Dehra Dun, in the Himalayan foothills of northern India, according to Britain’s Daily Telegraph.

Yeah, guns cause crime…

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Strangling and Beheading

  1. TS says:

    Off topic, but…

    I am sad to report that the streak is over. I was hoping she would give Joe DiMaggio a run, but alas the streak ends at 23. For 23 consecutive posts, Japete has mentioned the Trayvon Martin shooting- but it ends today with the post entitled “Fashion and the world of guns”. Particularly frustrating is the missed opportunities. When talking about clothing designed for concealed carry, she could have fluidly dropped a line like, “I wonder if George Zimmerman shops at Woolrich”? So close. She even managed to keep it alive through two separate memorial posts on the anniversaries of Virginia Tech and Columbine. You think it’s easy to work Zimmerman’s name into a post about a school shooting 13 years ago?

    Perhaps she’ll start a new streak tomorrow? Or we could revise the criteria to include the comment section and not just limit it to the body of the post. There is still time to keep it alive in that case.

  2. Archer says:

    Sounds more to me like the love and want of money causes crime. We obviously need to outlaw love, want, and money.

    Let the Limousine Liberal camps – who profess to love America, want to control the serfs (that would be us), and have plenty of money – try to reconcile that one.

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