“Gun Death” Toilet

Mandatory “Safe Storage” comes to mind.

A Jewish New Year celebration ended in tragedy Monday night after a toddler from upstate New York drowned to death in a toilet while visiting family in Brooklyn.

The 14-month-old boy identified as Mendi Altman was found lying face down in the toilet bowl by his 13-year-old cousin at around 11pm inside his aunt’s home in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn.

Some might be surprised by this death, but its fairly common for young children to drown in small amounts of water, such as bathtubs, pools, buckets, and toilets. They make locking units for toilet lids, and I don’t think they make a bucket without a warning pictogram on the side of it.

The thing to note is that this toddler was VISITING a home, so while the toilet at home might be secured with a locking devise, this house was not. It brings to mind the Massachusetts asinine and illegal “Safe Storage” laws, mandating people who don’t live with children or unlicensed people still lock up their guns. Also it mandates LOCKS, not just simple mechanical hindrances like child safety device.

How long would the people who use “Gun Death” for political gain change their tune if a key lock (with the key kept far away from the lock, and inaccessible to underage children) be placed on EVERY toilet, no matter where the toilet is located, or who lives in the home?

They only like putting restrictions on things they DON’T use!

h/t Bob

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2 Responses to “Gun Death” Toilet

  1. Archer says:

    Do one better: mandate the toilet lock MUST be kept on the home-owner’s person at all times. Specify “home-owner or lessee”, no exceptions.

    So you’re house-sitting while the home-owner is out of town? Sucks to be you!

    You want privacy while you do a #2? Sorry, the home-owner must be present because the key can’t leave their possession. Privacy is the price YOU pay for safety!

    Have small children that need to potty while visiting someone’s home? Your friend/neighbor/crazy uncle gets to watch! It’s safer this way.

    It’s funny how any anti-rights argument against firearms falls apart when applied to non-firearm objects. Or it would be if they weren’t so rabid in their “guns are different because they are different” mentality.

  2. John says:

    “…drowned to death…”?

    I thought drowning WAS terminal!

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