How it Works

Armed Doctor Helps people Escape.

A Colorado doctor with a concealed-weapon permit said he grabbed his gun and guarded an exit at a medical building as dozens of people fled from a gunman who had taken two hostages.

Authorities in Colorado Springs said the hostages were released before police shot and fatally wounded the gunman Tuesday. No one else was hurt.

Remember, if we have armed civilians in public places they’ll shoot the wrong person, and then the cops will arrive and mistake them for the bad guy and shoot the civilian, and these crazy gun nuts will go crazy and just start killing people.

Somebody needs to ask this Doctor how he feels about places that have binding signage and make it a crime to do what he did.

So many myths just vanish like mist….

Carry your guns, you NEVER know when you might need it!

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0 Responses to How it Works

  1. PT says:

    The stream-team saves the day.

    I absolutely hate states with no hospital carry rules. So I’m supposed to be totally defenseless because of my chosen profession?

  2. Jake says:

    Remember, if we have armed civilians in public places they’ll shoot the wrong person, and then the cops will arrive and mistake them for the bad guy and shoot the civilian, and these crazy gun nuts will go crazy and just start killing people.

    When Virginia Tech Police Officer Deriek Crouse was murdered a couple of blocks from the office I work in back in December, we went into lockdown for a while. When we made the decision to shut down completely and leave, there was a reason I made sure to be the last one out of the parking lot.

    I had no fantasies about seeing the murderer and blowing him away, or heroically holding him off with gunfire in some crazy showdown. In fact, I actually dreaded the possibility. I just wanted to make sure my coworkers got out safely.

    I know for an absolute fact that while I was the only one in the office armed at the time, I was not the only non-LEO in the neighborhood who was armed. Oddly, none of the horrible things the Anti Rights cultists say with absolute conviction are inevitable, actually happened.

    It’s almost like all they have left are lies and personal attacks.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I know the feeling, Jake. I’ve talked about it here, that I had a coworker go through an emotional breakdown at work.

      Thankfully it never turned violent, but EVERYBODY was scared that day of what might happen.

      I like the guy (he’s doing much better now, thankfully) but if things got really scary I knew I was the only armed person in the building, and one of the few people that has probably ever even THOUGHT about the “What if…” scenarios.

      it is NOT a good feeling, but its better than raw fear.

  3. Greg Camp says:

    By state law, I’m limited to stacking chairs by the door and hoping for the best. Of course, as someone who not only has passed background checks and skills tests, but also earned a graduate degree and got hired by the college, I’m the sort of person that you’d expect to start shooting randomly just because I’m annoyed with a student’s essay.

    Oh, wait, well. . .

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  5. Secret Squirrel says:

    “There was screaming and yelling and everyone was yelling to call 911,” Kelberer told The Gazette. “One woman was really upset and kept carrying on and saying, `Somebody hug me. Somebody hug me.'”

    Lord, if I someday find myself in an active shooter situation, please don’t let me be the unhinged one in the parking lot demanding people hug me. Amen.

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