I Don’t Know Why She Swallowed the Fly

Listening to the news this morning I got thinking of this classic children’s song.

First this story:

Some online sellers can now access tax forms that payment processors are required to file with the IRS this month for 2011 sales. While Amazon sellers can access the forms by logging in to their accounts, it appears PayPal has not yet made the forms accessible through its site.

Form 1099-K is a new requirement thanks to the Housing Economic Recovery Act of 2008 that requires banks and other payment settlement companies that processes credit cards, debit cards, and electronic payments to report to the IRS what online and offline merchants receive in payments.

So big Daddy .Gov decides that if you make money they are entitled to a chunk of that money. I don’t agree but we’ll take me out of this, because I’m EASY, I work for one company and all my additional streams of income are just petty incidentals. That company talks with the IRS and by the time my check is deposited in my bank account .Gov has already pilfered their “fair share”.

Still there are people who work multiple jobs, and who are self-employed, or open up little side jobs. .Gov discovered it was harder to track these sellers than people like myself who stand and be counted. Solution, add more regulation, more oversight, and more expense.

I’m sure there are also new crimes created for people who don’t comply with the new rules.

Starts sounding like the song isn’t it?

There’s also this:

Citing a report that found more people are overdosing on prescription painkillers than heroin and cocaine, two state senators and a South Shore prosecutor plan to announce new legislation Tuesday targeting the state’s prescription drug abuse problems.

People like to get high. As a matter-of-fact there are only a few cultures where consumption of intoxicants isn’t a regular phenomenon.

Here in America the first thing the waitress or waiter asks you in a restaurant is “What would you like to drink?” Sure you can order soda or water, but they’re hoping you order beer, a cocktail, or maybe a bottle of wine.

While tobacco use is getting more and more taboo, still there isn’t a convenience store in the nation that doesn’t sell cancer investments by the box or by the carton.

But Marijuana, opiates, and cocaine is illegal. I know in the middle east Alcohol is forbidden by the tenants of Islam, but in many places Marijuana and Hashish are openly consumed.

Of course the world is getting smaller so people frequently travel the globe, and they bring their culture with them. Can you get sushi near you? Do you live in Japan? Nope that got imported! Well the same thing happened with the drugs. Being illegal its done by the black market. They can’t use the court systems to settle dept, theft, and fraud, so they simply use violence. Also the FDA doesn’t regulate their product.

You don’t need to be a druggie to see some issues with the non-regulated product. Just look at Hollywood. How often do you hear stories where legitimate drug is swapped for illegitimate drug or inert product? How often is there dialog involving “cutting” a drug to make more product out of less raw materials. How about a person dying because they weren’t sure of the purity of what they were taking, or some of the “Cutting” agent was a dangerous substance.

Not only have I seen dozens of movies referencing each, but I’ve known people who have told me stories from their foolish drug days about such things.

Well there ARE some recreational drugs that ARE regulated by the FDA!

Citing a report that found more people are overdosing on prescription painkillers than heroin and cocaine, two state senators and a South Shore prosecutor plan to announce new legislation Tuesday targeting the state’s prescription drug abuse problems.

People are going to get high, and they prefer the products they get high with are safe and regulated…so when people start taking regulated drugs for recreation .gov jumps in to “solve” the problem that was created by them attempting to restrict something in the first place.

Of course we know what happens at the end of the song…she probably should have taken her chances with the fly.

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