Ice Cream Clog

Overslept, and there is SCIENCE to do!

Also there is a MASSIVE BLNN backlog in my inbox. I suspect there will be some serious posting this weekend to catch us up on all the good news.

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2 Responses to Ice Cream Clog

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Gee, SOMEONE gets to fly off to Blogarado for Fun and Games, lets all the Blogfodder pile up in the Office until it’s Obsolete, and then Whines because he has to do some work, all the while Bitchin’ about how bad Mitt Romney is.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d be thinking I was on the Blog! : )

  2. Weerd Beard says:

    LOL! You’re awesome, Les!

    Yeah, I live a wretched existence!

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