In a “Gun Free Zone” This is News

In NYC for a little over one day NO shootings, or stabbings!

It may be a small — or, rather, nonexistent — number, but it’s a heartening statistic: there were no shootings, stabbings, slashings, or murders in New York City between around 10:30 p.m. Sunday night and 11:20 a.m. Tuesday morning, the NYPD said, according to NY1. Police can’t remember the last time that happened.

Now compare this with places where there are gun shops on every corner, a gun show every weekend, and the “Cousin Humping” “Rednecks” are so “Paranoid” that they pack “High Capacity Bullet Hoses” wherever they go. NYPD are baffled by this phenomenon, while gun-packers simply call this “Tuesday”.

We should point out that Monday wasn’t entirely free from gunshots. Per the New York Daily News, a teen accidentally shot himself in the thigh Monday.

Well kinda!

The murder rate has been so low this year that the 2012 murder count for New York will likely end up hovering around 400. Last year 515 people were deemed homicide victims, according to the NYPD, and that number included 27 people who either weren’t assaulted in that year or whose deaths weren’t deemed homicides until that year.

All of this in a legally “Gun Free Zone”! How about that “If it saves just one life!”? and “One murder is too many!”? Ever noticed that in their little hand-built Utopias the antis don’t wring their hands so much?

They have never cared about human life, only about their agenda!

h/t Erin

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5 Responses to In a “Gun Free Zone” This is News

  1. Guav says:

    “NYPD are baffled by this phenomenon, while gun-packers simply call this “Tuesday”.


  2. Erin Palette says:

    Note that the article said nothing about rape. I wonder how many of those could have been avoided had she been carrying?

    But you know, if I even suggest that a woman should carry for self-defense, I am simultaneously a rape apologist that is contributing to rape culture, and buying into the gun lobby’s fantasy of fear and control.

    No, don’t ask me how that works. I can’t wrap my brain around that level of delusionally stupid.

    • Jack says:

      The same people that tell you to just cooperate with a violent attacker (your life isn’t worth stuff!) are the same folk that think the *real* way to combat rape is to convince the rapists to stop (If we get rid of rape culture then rapes will go away).

      Because in both cases it is critical (and moral!) to put your trust in good grace of someone who’ll happily use force to take what they want from you.

      But remember a woman’s right to choose only counts *after* she’s been raped! Silly ladies, your female brain cant handle a complicated machine like that, just let the boys in blue handle those icky guns.

      To the antis, especially feminist antis, a woman choosing to defend herself is clearly asking for it. If she really wanted to be *safe* she’d just move to a *good* neighborhood. Or not wear such a tight leather skirt… err… tight leather holster. Harlot.

      Remember getting women scared of being raped/attacked/abused is only good if you can channel that fear into “socially acceptable” activism.

      Funny how the gun lobby’s fantasy of fear and control involves… arming women.

      Phase 1: Encourage women to increase their lethality.

      Phase 2: ???

      Phase 3: Control women!

      Those misogynistic bastards!

  3. Kristopher says:

    Here is your award, New York.

    Congratz on achieving what red state America does nearly every day.

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